With you forever - Chapter two, Never knew Haley's loaded.

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      Chapter 2. Never knew Haley's loaded.

        I quickly ran back to the car  with all of my bags and suitcases I had packed before I left school in my hands.  I struggled to desperately tried to fit each and everyone of my bags and suitcases I had in the trunk with Nathan, Hailey and Daemon encouraging me on. I tilted from one side to another as I dumped all of my belongings in the trunk and in one swift motion, slammed the hood shut.

    I smiled triumphuly as I jumped up and down both in pure relief and happines. Suddenly, the sound of cheers and cries pierced my ear drums making me slightly cringed. I craned my neck to the side and realized that we were finally going to the beach house for the summer. Just at the thought of that, I couldn't help but  grin and join in with the cheering.

    Just as I was about to enter the car, my mom came running out of my house.

    "Amber! Where is my hug?!"  Turning around, I made my way over to my mom - ocassionally leaping over a few rocks that stood in my way. As soon as I was within arm reach, she pulled me towards her and engulfed me into a tight hug.

    "B-bye mom... See you soon." I said, gasping for breath. Noticing my lack of air and stuggle, she instantly released me and gave me a sheepish smile. My shoulders that was once stiff, instantly loosened as I recovered from the lack of oxygen.

    I gave her one last huge before rushing over to where the car was. I jumped over and into the back seat like the ones you see in those action movies. Once I was properly seated, I plugged in the buckle and adjusted the straps of the seatbelt, making it more comfortable. My mom leaned over the car and kissed me lightly on the cheek. Her eyes went from me then drifted towards Nathan, making me frown in confusion. I gave her a weird look.

    "Hi Nathan." She said, giving him a sweet smile. Her eyes traveled down to where our hands were intertwined once more. Following her gaze, I forgot that we were holding each other's hand the whole way, we only let go once when we each had to run to his house to get our stuff.

    Her eyes traveled back to mine once again. "Be safe." My mom said teasingly yet obnoxiously. My eyes widened in disbelief and my jaw dropped, forming a small 'o'. Before I had the time to response, Hailey already started driving away.

    "Close your mouth, you don't wanna catch bugs." Daemon nonchantly commented with a straight face. No more than five seconds, we already burst out laughing. I turned my head towards Nathanand rested my head at the curve of his neck.He  responded by wrapping his arms protectively around my shoulders.

    Daemon turned the radio up a little louder and he started to sing under his breath while drumming a beat against his legs. Soon after that, Hailey broke the silence by singing loudly in an off-tuned manners.

    "I threw a wish in the well, Don't ask me I'll never tell, I'll looked at you as it fell,

But now you're in my way!"

    Daemon joined in the next part. "I trade my soul for a wish, Pennies and dimes for a kiss, I wasn't looking for this, But now you're in my way!"

    Smiling, I joined in. "Your stare was holdin', Ripped jeans, skin was showin', Hot night, wind was blowin', so where do you think you're goin' baby?!"

    We all glanced at each other and soon, we all sang the chorus as we drive through the highway. Others gave as amused glance while most gave as obnoxious, rude looks. Well, it's their loss.


    I could finally see the beach, meaning that we were almost at Haley's house. I bounced off my seat, barely able to contain my excitement.

     "Is it that house?! It's huge!" I asked, pointing to a white Villa with a small jacuzzi at the back. The house itself looked too rich for my taste, but it was beautiful nevertheless.

    Haley chuckled. "Yeah, we're here guys!" She announced as she pulled into the driveway. She narrowed her eyes at her house and gave it a strange look. "Huh, it's smaller than I remember." She then placed her sunglasses back on, covering her chocolate brown eyes.

    We all stared at her in disbelief as we dragged ourselves along with our bags and suitcases into her beach house. As soon as we stepped foot into the house, we simontainouesly dropped our bags on the tiled floor with our eyes traveling every corner of the house.

    One word. Wow. That's the only thing I could think of, and by the looks of the guys, I'm guessing I'm not the only one. The house was a hundred times better on the inside. It was amazing, huge yet modern - just the way I like it.

    The walls were painted cream white while the floor was the color of the sky. The furnitures inside seemed to be brand new and untouched, but I highly doubt that - seeming that Haley comes here every summer. A small porch that leads to a long narrow dock was located at the far right of the room while the jacuzzi I spotted was located on the opposite side.

    I heard Nathan whistled lowly. "Wow Haley, you must be loaded."

    Hailey walked in like she's walking on a runway. "Go ahead guys, find your own bedroom." A smile blossomed on her face as she pointed with her manicured finger where the bedrooms were.

    I whirled around to head upstairs only to find Nathan and Daemon already there. Probably deciding which room to pick. I skipped over to the room that fits me the best - which took a long time because this house has more than ten bedrooms. I passed by Daemon and Nathan arguing over one particular room. Rolling my eyes, I couldn't help but laugh at them. Everyone knows that everytime Nathan and Daemon fight over something, Daemon always ends up winning. Always. I skipped over to a bright coloured room that caught my eye unlike the others. I took a few steps back to get a better view.

This is perfect.

Edited by Shenis (SecretParadise)

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