Chapter 3

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As I walk into the chaotic room it's filled with the smell of meat and the stench of body odor. What is it that hard to put on some decent deodorant. As I walk past the jocks table I smell the unpleasant stench and cover my nose and let out a dry cough. The jocks are wrestling  over some mozzarella sticks and making some sort of food smoothie with their leftover lunch. Disgusting.
"Pigs," I mumble to myself watching one of the jocks scarf down the concoction.
I continue walking down the cafeteria towards the line. Once I reach the line I look at the disgusting meat products everywhere.
"What do you want," a lunch lady says.
She had her dark brown hair wrapped into a small bun and had on bright red lipstick on, she had a some lipstick smudged on her teeth.
"Um do you have a vegetarian option?" I say.
Once I said that practically the whole lunch staff and everyone ok the line looked at me like I was crazy, what was vegetarian like a foreign word to them.
"You know what never mind," I say rolling my eyes walking out the line.
I scan the cafeteria to see which table I should sit at when someone taps on my shoulder.
"Hey Alex," A girl says.
I turn around to see Violet staring at me.
"Hey Violet," I say with a blank face.
"The food here sucks so I don't it, I just came over here to know if you wanted to come smoke with me and some friends behind the school?" Violet says looking at the clock.
"Well I do let's go," I say grinning.
I had my cigarettes taken away before I came because I was underage, I'm only seventeen that's not that young.
"Great follow me," Violet says walking toward the cafeteria doors.
Once I'm out of the cafeteria Violet turns to the right and I follow behind her. When we turn to the right we see to people making out. It was the Mikey guy leaning against a bimbo blonde, her back on the wall.
"Ugh get a room," I say in disgust and continue walking.
"Aww is someone jealous," Mikey says letting go of the bimbo.
He brushes his hand through his hair and wipes his mouth.
"Yeah and Abraham Lincoln is alive," I say sarcastically and continue walking.
Violet begins snickering amused.
Suddenly I'm pulled into a hard chest with hands around my waist.
"Mikey?!" The bimbo whines.
She whimpers and begins to walk off her heels clacking.
"Get off of me or god so help me I will beat the shiz out of you," I say smacking his hand.
He tightens his grip around my waist pulling me closer, "dam Mami your feisty."
"Yeah I am, I also have a been to jail for fighting, so let go now before I put you in the hospital," I say.
"Chill Mami I was just a messing around," he says loosening his grip.
I flick his hands off my waist and begin to walk beside Violet who is just been laughing this whole time.
"Stop laughing and let's go," I say rolling my eyes and continue walking straight.
Violet starts to walk in front of me guiding the way. When we reach the back of the school Violet pushes the door to outside open and I feel a cool breeze brush my hair across my face. I tuck the hair behind my ear and continue to follow Violet. As I'm following Violet I see a group of kids leaning against a black car and smoking. When we get over to them they stop talking and stare at me.
"Who's this Violet," a guy says blowing out a puff of smoke.
"Alex, she's new," Violet says walking over to the boy and sits on the hood of the car beside him.
"I know her, she's the girl that yelled in the hallway," a Spanish guy with blonde and black curly hair and braces.
He was practically covered in tattoos and looked fine as fvck.
"Yeah I remember that, it was priceless you should have saw Ms. Queen bee's face, she was pizzed," another guy says.
"Who's Ms. Queen bee?" I say shifting from one leg to the other.
"Jennifer Bradshaw, she's a a big time hoo, she's been trying to stick her well claws in him ever since they fvcked, he took her virginity," a girl with a eyebrow piercing and and black, green, and blue hair.
"I would feel bad if she wasn't such a bwtch, but Mikey did fvck her then left her," the guy by Violet says putting his arm around Violets waist.
"Ok," he say not caring.
"To be honest I don't give a fvck about Mikey or Jennifer I just came here to smoke.. so can I have a cigarette?" I say staring at them.
"Oh yeah here," Violet says pulling out a pack of cigarettes out and a lighter.
"Well I see your not like the rest of these airheads here, nice," the guy with braces says.
"Perfect now we got three girls in the group and now we have a girl who actually doesn't give a fvck about all the lame ash drama here," the girl says impressed.
I put my cigarettes in my mouth and suck in the smoke and blow it out.
"Who said I was in your little group," I say raising my eyebrow.
"Well if you weren't you would have left right by now, but if you don't wanna be here then leave," the girl says giving me a daring look.
They all stare at me excepting me to leave, but I just stare at her and continue smoking.
"That's what I thought," she says smirking.
"So since imma be apart of you little group here I might as well know your name's," I say.
I'm not gonna be here for long, I know that but while I'm here I might as well hang out with some bad ash's while I'm forced to be here.
"Jade,"the girl says.
"Jose," the Spanish boy says.
"Brent," the one beside Violet says.
**the new characters are Elizabeth Gillies as Jade, Frimzy as Jose, and Brennen Taylor as Jake**

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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