Chapter 2

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I woke up it's been a couple days now I am really hungry I got out of my hiding spot and swam around my senses on full alert after a while saw a clearing it had smooth rocks covered the small beach in the middle of the forest I looked around for anything edible then I saw a small brown and white animal with long ears and white bushy tail eating some green grass near the it look edible I swim quietly getting closer and closer than one strong flick of my tail I jumped out of the water and caught the surprised animal in my hands but I landed it hurt a lot pushing the back the pain the little animal tried to get away but had a strong grip on it now I have a new problem I am beached and need my two hands to get back in the I held the animal in the air hmm I guess I can put it in my mouth then my hands would be free hmm but then I have mouth full of fur and dirt in my mouth I husted I have no choice put the small animal in my mouth then turn around to slide back in the water which was painful because some of the same cuts have not finish healing and my new bruise and cuts from beaching myself I rolled the last step to the water splashed in the water went to the bottom of the river my teeth chomped down on the small terrified animal and killed it then start ripping it apart and eating it tasted good almost like a human but sweeter hmm so good when I was done was still hungry so went back on the hunt but this time I looked for something bigger swimmed around found a big river when I hear a howls and barking went hide in the roots of the big tree were in the water saw a big animal jumped out of the forest in to the big hoofed brown and white little brown tail it jumped in the water came out of my hiding spot swam to the big animal jumped out of the water grabbed its neck and pull the big animal in the water used my teeth and claws to rip out it's throat heard a growl I looked up saw three dog like animals growling at me I hiss at them had my hand around the animal neck possessive position saying that it was mine food one on the left was red with white and grey markings one blue and one brown eyes the one in the middle bigger than all of them and the leader he was black and gray with jade eyes and the right he smaller and younger than all of them he was brown with white markings and ocean blue eyes all of them growled except the small one all of sudden of a dog it was the older boy from the boat sitting their looked at him in his clothes surprise I titled my head "what are you? How can you do that? Can the other two can do that to? And what type of dog are you?" I smile like learning new things or magic thing I think they were so cool the boy said "yeah my alpha and beta can shift wolf and back to human form we'r not dogs and what are you doing here? What are you doing our deer? "Swam closer to them with the deer in hand the other two didn't shift but they sat there watching me "what's a alpha and a beta? Why I am swimming in the rivers then in the ocean because I broke pod rules by help you and other two children and when the girl fell in I protected the pria and let get away going against orders and hurt another pod member and for the deer well I didn't was yours I have been look for something big to eat because the past few days all I ate is a small grass eating animal wasn't enough for me oh I don't think I introduce myself my name is Naya what's yours?" The boy nodded at the information said "well my name is Sam and an alpha is our leader of our pack and a beta is rank below alpha then there is third command then worries goes on and on till the omega are the last if we can we can share the deer together what do say? "I think on it look at the other two back to Sam and nodded "I will share under one condition Sam look nerves and worried what's your condition?" I at look them seriously and cold tone "you try to hurt or kill me I will not hesitate do the same to you "then a lighter tone "want to stay in the water when we eat I enough pain from the land "Sam looked the other two what looked like permission both nodded and smiled "okay that is understandable there is a open bay little ways up river follow us okay "I nodded Sam shifted run near the river so I can see him I swam from 20 minutes then saw the small patch of sand and grass put the deer half on land and half in the water I was eating the head back they ate the rest they about done I sensed another pod member getting closer to where we are I hissed they looked up at me I said get away from the water I sense a Pod member the Pod member raced towards me I got ready to attack declawed and bit each other I got we splashed and flipped her nails dug deep into my side ripping a big gash started bleeding really bad I had to end this or I'll die I used my tail and hit her in the face before she recovered I latched onto her neck and ripped out her throat I was slowly losing energy and losing too much blood I tried to lick my wound help stop the bleeding but it was too late everything started blurring I hear someone yelling for me everything went black

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