The First Try

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From the prospective of a creeper

As most people probably know, the first try to make a pig ended up a complete fail and ended up with us, the creepers. (I don't know where the TNT part came from) We adapted to life and became one of the only two ways to get gunpowder, also a challenge to test a players skill, Some of us are angry we were created because we have no arms, three legs, and are thought of as monsters. I used to know some creepers that had gone out looking for a player so that that player can kill them. A few of us know that we were a mistake and are ashamed, I know one who knew and went to live with the pigs. I myself am glad to be like this, rather than be a stupid useless pig. Though I do wonder what it's like being a pig, always being used for feeding thing instead of being used for booby traps. But, I will never know.

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