Chapter 17

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Catriona followed the directions Zane gave her to find the estate. It was mid morning when she saw the black iron and red brick fences that marked the roadside boundaries of his estate. On the opposite side was a cornfield and open pastures, beyond the grill work barrier was the rolling expanse of a lawn splattered with rich autumn leaves. Crimson brick pillars towered on both sides of the entrance. The intricately designed gates stood open as if waiting for her. Catriona followed the gravelled driveway to stop in front of the colossal house. The front entrance was an impressive portico with white columns.

There was a slightly hidden narrow pathway that led to the back and Catriona debated with herself whether or not to take that route. She finally decided to just park her car at the front entrance and stepped out the vehicle. Before long the large white front door, with its brass knocker swung open. A woman looking to be in her late thirties stepped out in a white sweater and slacks. She walked down the shirt flight of steps leading to the entrance to greet Catriona. The wind russells her maple hair and she ran her hand through it, attempting to fix it into her neat bun.

"Hello. You must be Catriona Alexander." the woman's smile was quick and ready, however, there was a no nonsense quality about her that earned Catriona's immediate approval. "I'm Madison Hayles."

Madison. Catriona remembered Zane mentioning that name, and always in connection with his wife. She climbed the steps, extending her arm to greet the woman. "I am Catriona Alexander." she confirmed her identity. "And I'm glad to finally meet you. Mr. Wilde has mentioned you many times."

"But you don't know exactly who I am?" Madison Hayles guessed shrewdly.

"No." Catriona admitted with equal candor.

"I suppose you can say I'm a general factotum around here. My main responsibility is to look after Mrs. Wilde. I'm a psychiatric nurse." Her sharp hazel eyes closely studied Catriona for a reaction at the announcement. It was unlikely that she expected Catriona to be surprised, therefore she must have expected that she suddenly might be treated as a servant. When there was no reaction, she continued with hardly a break. "I also dabble in housekeeping just to keep everything running smoothly for Zane."

Briefly Catriona wished she could refer to her employer with such casual familiarity, but there was nothing casual about their relationship. The thought left a foul taste in her mouth, thus she steered the conversation in another direction.

"Should I leave my car parked here or drive it around to the back?"

"Leave it there, Drew-- my husband-- can drive it around to the garage after he's carried your luggage inside." Madison dismissed the need for Catriona to move the car with a shrug. Guessing that Catriona didn't know her husband's role she explained, "Drew manages the farm for Zane. Come on. I'll show you to your room."

Both crossed the threshold into the formal entryway, her eyes roved around with interest. The onyx floor was sparkling clean to the point where she could see her reflection. Instead of a clutter of antiques that Catriona had expected, the foyer and wide hall way were simply furnished. Nothing detracted from the beauty of the house.

"Did you have any trouble finding the place?" Madison inquired.

"None at all. Mr. Wilde's directions were very precise."

"They usually are." Madison chuckled.

A hand-carved, solid walnut door opened onto the foyer. Catriona turned towards the sound just as Zane stepped out. A different Zane than she'd seen at the office. Instead of the elegant European style suit and tie he usually wore, he had a heavily ribbed sweater of ivory wool and black pants that hugged his muscled thighs. So blatantly virile, this new Zane had an immediate and devastating effect on her senses. He stood abruptly when he saw her. His expressionless mask slipped, permitting her to see the leap of fire in his blue eyes. Much too quickly the look disappeared.

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