Chapter 14: I've Never Met No One Like You

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A/N: Edited 1-1-2018

Playlist: Midnight Serenade - OMI

Dislcaimer: Sutter/FX own SOA

Waking up the morning after our drive was disorienting. My entire body was sore from the stress of being on a motorcycle for a long duration of time. Having never done that kind of trek before, I was caught off guard. I groaned and stretched out all my limbs. Regardless of the physical toll the ride took, I was floating somewhere in the clouds. A goofy grin was plastered on my mouth. I bit my lip, staring up at the ceiling, recalling every second from the day before. The heat from the memories warmed my cheeks, and I had to bury my innocent joy in the pillow beside me.

With care, I rolled myself out of bed. I grabbed the hair clip on my side table and threw my hair up into a messy twist. Drifting through my morning routine, each moment from the day before popped back into existence. With each blink I could see the setting sun, or the smoke wafting between us, or the subtle dimple in his cheek. The one emphasized by his scar. Or when nothing but the crashing waves could be heard, as we leaned side-by-side, enjoying the quiet. Alone. It was all those tiny moments that were highlighted in my mind.

Without any conscious effort, I dressed. I continued floating through the motions and set the kettle to boil. A warm cup of tea was the perfect setting for this day. Donned in my favourite oversized knit sweater, and steaming mug folded between my fingers, I sat in the vast windows on the northside of my apartment. I settled against the glass, peering down the street. Another guiltless smile grew. True to his word, I found myself staring down at where my car was parked. It wasn't in my usual space, but his promise was kept.

It wasn't until hours later, that I went down into the lobby. Exactly as he'd said last night, my car keys were sitting against the mailbox indicated with my apartment number. With a content sigh, I scooped them up to bring them back upstairs. I managed to take a moment and remind myself that this was against the rules. I wasn't supposed to be getting wrapped up with anyone. This was a project; a job. Not a free for all. I rolled my eyes at my inner monologue and forced myself to ignore that tiny seed of doubt. I was going to be around for a while. I could enjoy it for the time being.


Since the day trip to Bakersfield and back, I was raring to get back to Charming. Unfortunately for me, that wasn't in the cards. With additional assignments, and mandatory attendance, I had to stay in Berkeley for a couple of weeks. It wasn't all bad, because it did give me time to start sorting through some of the stills I'd already captured. The huge white board in my apartment was covered with different sub-categories, and a layout for how I wanted this project presented. I was even making headway with a hand drawn Reaper. One step closer to having their logo becoming more approachable.

Thankfully, two weeks in, I was able to finally make my way back to the clubhouse.

It was a beautiful, and sunny morning as I drove into the compound. I was surprised to see so many members milling around. Especially at 10 am. Smiles were sent my way as I parked and turned my car off. I made my way towards the group hanging around the picnic bench. It was Bobby who let me know the club was experiencing some down time, and without anything better to do, they all just hung out at the shop, and clubhouse.

I slid onto the bench between Bobby and Chibs, letting them tell me about everything I'd missed. Without drawing too much attention to myself, I glanced around, searching. I spotted his Harley, but not him. I shot a look up to the shop and saw two feet poking out from under one of the cars. WIth a slight tilt to my head, I saw a clear indication that it was Happy underneath the vehicle. I happily watched him work. It wasn't until Chibs nudged me that I realized I zoned out. Chibs chuckled and Bobby gave me a one-armed squeeze. I rolled my eyes, diverting my gaze and rejoining the conversation.

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