Cuphead X Bendy: The Devil's Son's Property

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Part 2.
(Please read part one if you haven't already! And also if you have, please also reread it! I've added a few details that are a bit important to this chapter!)

(Jesus. You guys really wanted a part two so here it is!)

Cuphead woke up at noon, feeling gross and tired.
He could feel last nights troubles crawl back on his neck tightening around his throat with guilt.

Cuphead could hear Mugman's footsteps in the hallway. Probably about to go to school.
He thought of last night. About the demon that followed him home.
Making yet another deal with his kind.
But this time screwing them over even worst this time.
Cups didn't know how to tell Mugs.
But he had to do it soon.
He looked around his room for a clean pair of pants and a shirt.

Throwing them on he inhaled and gave a big sigh and left his room.

He went to the bathroom.
Turning on the faucet, Cuphead washed his face and looked at himself in the mirror
'a Fucking greedy Dumbass.' He thought
"I can't believe i fucked us over..."
"Twice in the same day..."

"I can't bring Mugs into this one... I just can't...I'll have to let him know it's not going to work out... It's only me... I can't. Mugs is too Precious..." Cuphead told himself.
He had to Tell Bendy he couldn't fall through with the deal.
He ran back to his room to look for the slip of paper Bendy gave him.
When he did he was quite confused.
It wasn't a number, But a set of instructions (he didn't look at it before)
"Step one: Draw a Pentagram onto a mirror in Ink. (As seen on paper)"
Cuphead grabbed a pen and went into the bathroom.
Drawing a Pentagram that resembled the one on the piece of paper.
"Step two: add a few drops of blood from the caller to the pentagram (we know its very cliche)"
Cuphead used a blade from a razor and made a small cut deep enough to draw blood and added it to the pentagram.
"Step three: Light two or more candles around or near the pentagram and state who you are calling to the demon operator. (It's Bendy, Son of Satan.)"
(Think of this as Skype or face time)
Cuphead did so and a woman's distorted voice picked up and greeted him
"Thank you for using our Demon Contacting services who are you trying to summon today?"

Cuphead was stunned and didn't realize he was taking a bit long to answer.
"Oh sorry. Uh yes. I'm trying to contact....Bendy, Son of Satan."
"Okay. I'll get him connected. Please hold."

Cuphead stood in silence as he waited
To be put back on.

Bendy picks up.

"Oh Hey, Cuphead! Right?"
"Yes." He responded
"How are ya? What do you think about this Service? Pretty neat huh?"
"Yeah it's great... Listen can i ask you something?"
"You already are Kiddo." Bendy snorts
"I mean something else."
"Sure thing. What is it, Sugar?"
Cuphead ignored the nickname.
"I don't think this deal is going to work out. I mean with Mugs.... I mean like is there another way to do this without taking his ya know?"
He looked to the demon on the mirror.
Bendy was a bit confused.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean. My brother. Mugman. I don't want him to... Have his virginity taken away by. .by..."
"By a demon? Somethin' wrong with that? Oh i see...yeah. That's not happenin'. Look babe. We made a deal and i save you and your Little brother from the wrath of Satan, my father. Now you don't want me to?!"
Bendy was starting sound angry
"No no! I mean.i. don't want your kind to just take away my brother's freedom for the shit i did!.and i think it would be better if i take the blame for what i did.."
"My kind?! You and him are mine.
You are not in power. I am!
And listen kid. I am not going to change my mind just because you asked me to. I shook hands with you for two virgins. No one!"
"Well the deal is off! I'm not doing it anymore! If it means Mugs is going to do it too!"
"Poor choice of words,Darlin'."
Ink falls from Bendy's face and a wider grin spreads across his face.
"Hope Mugman will get home safe."
He says
"What?" Cuphead gasped.
Then the screen cut to static.
"Thank you again for using our demon contacting services. Hope you have a good day and see you here soon." The operator's voice said in the static as Cuphead panickily ran out of the room and down the stairs.

"Mugman!" Cuphead screamed

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