Chapter 16

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Hello everyone,
I hope you'll enjoy chapter 16!
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(Personally, I feel like this chapter sucks. Can't help it)

##Chapter 16

When Ryan woke up, he did nothing but freezing. He sat leaned against a wall, his knees up to his chest as he realised that this was much warmer. His hair hung messily into his face. His teeth chattered. It was so cold. He asked himself whether they wanted him to freeze to death. It sure was possible.

He heard how the door was opened and got dazzled by the light cone.
He looked up as the two men who came got in and pulled him up. He groaned of pain. His whole body was aching.
Ryan could barely walk and they pulled him all the way back to the stairs.
Ryan didn't concentrate on the way, he kept running through his thoughts what to do. If he knew anything about that gold, Len and Eddie would want him to be dead. He needed to stick to his word.
It got warm around him, as they were now again in the room he was in yesterday.
The two men pushed him back on the sofa.
It was so nice and warm.

It took some time until he heard the man's voice again.
"I ask you again: What do you know about the gold?"
Ryan shook his head.
He didn't hear himself talk since yesterday and his voice sounded uncomfortably loud to him.
The man with the beard had brown, thrilling eyes staring at him.
He looked expressionless.
"Are you sure?"
"Bring him back", annoyed.

"Please don't", Ryan said in a weak attempt to not getting back, hoarsely.
As the two guys pulled him up again and dragged him to the door, he tried again.
"Please don't, it's cold"
They ignored him.
Ryan closed his eyes and let himself go whilst they pulled him down the stairs, into the cellar.
It was getting colder and colder.
They opened the door to the cool room again, then pushed him back down on the floor.
Ryan turned around and looked up to one of them.
Their eyes locked.
The man was blond, he had short hair.
For a moment, nothing did happen. Then the man pulled off his jacket and tossed it to Ryan.

The heavy door closed. Ryan was all by himself. His lips hurt because of the cold.
He leaned his head against the wall, throwing the jacket over his shoulders.
It didn't help at all.

He didn't care about the people that were looking for him. He didn't know that Chase was sitting in a police department with Kasey Kahne.
The police hasn't been able to find a translator, so their only solution was Kasey.

Chase had a coffee in his hand and was listening careful to what Kasey read out. Slowly, and with pauses.

"Meeting with Roger Penske and Schnitzler" , he read out, into a dictaphone.
"They are talking about landmark 58"
Kasey stopped.
"landmark 58", Pearson repeated.
"So, let's continue"
"Gunther joined up with the them"

"Inspector Gunther?" , Chase broke the silence.
Pearson ignored him, but kept noting down things.
"I think it's enough for today", he said.
Chase and Kasey got up, and Pearson guided them out. On their way out, they came across a map.
"Hey", Chase stopped.
"landmark 58", he said
"that's Charlotte. Will be racing there soon. And the route of the trucks is right here", he said and pointed on a red line which showed the route the trucks took to the track.
"landmark 58 is on this route"
"You're right", Kasey agreed.

Pearson put his hands on both their shoulders.
"I may remind you that you're involved in ascertainments. So you may not talk about anything you've heard today. Otherwise, you'll be guilty of an offence"

Both of them nooded.

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