Life Processes

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Life Processes

In the line of process improvements, process mappings are inevitable task executions for me. And we all know that in every process, there ought to be decision points to determine the next path that the flow embarks on.

In life, we SHOULD also take time to map out our life journey. Someone who has too many decision points can be a paranoid one. Yet, someone who don't have any decision point is not good either. Why?

Because the latter is one who merely follows the motion in life; NEVER questioning, NEVER thinking, and always a.. I call it a 'Do-er of Life'.

This was a new perspective that I thought we should start thinking of:

#1. Should I Start from somewhere else?

#2. Should I put an End to anything I'm doing now?

#3. Should I Continue to do what I'm doing now?

Assuming I live to 70, I have passed my 1/3 of my life. There is simply no time to waste. The clock is ticking and we all know that we've boarded the life's express train once we crossed the age of 25.

It doesn't matter where we came from. What matters most, is where we want to head towards.

What are some of the decision points you have this year, be it work, relationship, or self?

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