So she is a host, and I am reduced to a maid!

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It was around lunch period when b/f/n and I had to go our own separate ways for the upcoming class. Sadly enough they weren't anywhere near each other, so I had to find this new class on my own. My last class of the day no less. I had sorted my way to the class room and thankfully wasn't late but the door was closed, and on it there was a note. 'The class will take place in the North library as of late. Sorry for the inconvenience'. I tried to jingle the door knob and looked inside. 'Of course they aren't here on my first day', I thought. The late bell(being the annoying prick that it is) rang. 'Well it's too late to go looking for that library now'. I walked around the school analyzing every nook, cranny and door till school ended. I came across a interestingly named door. 'Music Room 3 huh?'. I opened the door and I am met with a light and the sweet smell of roses. When the light dims I am met with 7 handsome men. Well actually 6 man and a cross dressing women with out a uniform and she seems to be on the floor not with them. A chorus of 'Welcome' is said. I stare at them all with curiosity and wonder and a hint of weariness ? "Hi , I'm y/n it's a pleasure" I say I as observe the group. The girl seem to have broken what I can only guess what once was a vase maybe?Two orange haired twins approached me, " what a lovely name that is.... y/n~" "Thank you for the compliment but I'm afraid I have a question for you". "Oh?", replied the twins in sync, " and what is your question?" They smirked at me. Why do I feel as if i'm about to make a huge mistake asking this. "Who are you and what is it that you all are doing in what is supposed to be a music room??" The tall blonde one approaches with a stride and starts to speak " My what exceptional questions you have my beautiful rose and may I just say you curiosity is as bountiful as your beauty!"  He reminds me a of a peacock trying to impress a mate with its feathers a and though it's funny it didn't exactly answer my question. "While I thank you for the compliment you seem to mistake my curiosity as interest." He looks distraught at my words, " My what cold words from such a warm face!!" My attention turns to the girl on the floor, " Hey you on the floor are you all right? Are these men harassing you?" I pick them up, dust them off of the ground and fix the glasses on their face. If they are you can leave with me and we can get out off here!" The one in glasses interrupts me. I can already tell he is not the kind of guy you can mess with and get away with it. He looks over at me and seems to know something I don't. " I am sorry but I am afraid that I can't allow you to take them quite yet. You see before you came thought those doors dear y/n, Fujioka broke a very expensive vase that was going to go up for auction for the school,so you see we can't very well let you take her or you would be an accomplice in aiding and abetting them escape from the consequence." Oh. crap. I think I walked into something along the lines of a classic loan shark deal gone wrong. Or maybe I watch too many films with Yakuza. Either way I don't a girl who can't even afford a uniform would have able to pay for even a 1/4 of that vase if it's as expensive as they say it is!!! " I mean this in no way to be offensive but you can't afford that right Fujioka?" She looks at me with depression and I hear her mutter of damning rich people and how although it wasn't intended it was a back hand comment. I know she means it more in disdain but I do feel bad. I look back the to one in glasses. "You said there was a punishment yes? If it involves money I will pay for the broken vase!" They looks at me as if I grew another or maybe even sprouted a tail which in this case would be the same reaction to the fish tail. They look to Haruhi and see if she was going to let me do this for him. I turn to look as well only to find her look at me with shock as well. She then realizes I am looking at her too and quickly shakes her head. " I can't let you do that!" she exclaimed.
"This is my problem and while it's nice of you too offer, it wouldn't be right of me to allow you to spend all that money on my mistake! I'll figure out how to pay them back but it wouldn't be right for me to use you like that." That makes the tall blonde give exclaim of an idea. He sits on a chair and and points at her. "Well there is a famous saying Fujioka. 'When in Rome, you should do as the Romans do'. He flicks his wrist and I feel his dramatics never end. "Since you have no money, you can pay with your body." What kind of messed up shit logic is that!??! " So starting today you are the host clubs dog!" Is that what this club is??! " Wait a minute!" I interrupt, "Fujioka! You said I couldn't pay for because it wouldn't be right but If I wanted to help like this, being an errand boy would you be opposed to it?" She looked at me and almost answered. I turn to the self proclaimed host club, " I'm gonna help her alright! And I know i'm not directly responsible but i'll help anyway I can to ease her debt! Hell I'll be a maid if it helps her!" I stop to think about what I just said. The two orange haired twins look at me with glints in their eyes and mischievous grins and I can already tell this was a mistake to offer. The host club at me and ponder. Glasses is the first to speak " she might actually have a good idea though unprecedented. She could make customers feel at ease with her stature as both female and maid in the club and if we are lucky we might even get male customers." He turns to me with a smirk " Either option is a win for the club so..consider yourself the clubs maid and if it wouldn't be at all to much to handle my assistant. My name is Kyoya Ootori and consider me both you club mate and boss." The blond one turns to me and Fujioka. " I am the king of this wondrous host club Tamaki Suoh but if you prefer you may call me king." He locks his eyes with mine and gets up from his chair before lifting my chin with his fingers "but you may call me yours."
The twins speak next the one on the left first "Hikaru ,and this is my brother Kouru" and then the one on the right " We are the Hittachin Twins and we must say" then at the same time they speak, " We are very excited to get to play maid with you our little toy~". I feel a tug on my wrist and look down to see a young looking blonde host. " Don't mind Hika-chan and Kou-chan, I'm Mitskuni Huninozuka but call me Honey sempai pleease." wow and I thought I looked young. " And this is Takashi, if you need sweets or me just let him know!" He looks down on my and my neck hurts just from trying to meet his gaze "hm" I can tell he won't be speaking much. That and that these next few moments with this club will some I will never forget.

Good lord it's been forever since I looked at or even wrote for this fanfic. Sorry it took so long It's been a long hiatus but i'm back and not dead!😘😘So expect me to try to update on a schedule some time soon! Love your comments  so feel free to let me know if you guys liked it!

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