My Friends

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6:23 pm

>> There's a part of me that only comes to life during night time.
It's nocturnal.
This part encourages the voices in my head to rise and rule my mind.
They shout, they dance, they destroy.
These voices melts into my heart,
squeezing it like a vine wrapped around.
It makes it difficult to breathe.
My lungs feel like they are collapsing.
There is a fault line in my chest,
just above my heart,
it rips open in inky darkness,
gaping and spreading anguish all around.
The shadows in the dark dance,
their binding obsediance seeping through the room.
The wind shrivels around my windows. They dance and laugh at me.
But I just sit there.
Waiting for the glimmering ray of dawn light to pierce through this darkness.

-Fatima Shaikh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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