✧Creative Director-

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Creative Director- (If interested, please make sure to read our "Discipline System" under the 'Important Announcements' book [second "chapter"] before you decide to apply.)

Basically, for this job I'd like someone to be able to do anything creative, such as the profile picture and background that is Naruto based (a-duh). Also, a picture on the side for each section of the magazine' articles would be awesome. :3

When and if there are two people under this job, you two must talk to each other and decide who will do what. For example, one person can be in charge of creating profile pictures {they must be 256 x 256, ribbet.com is a great and free site that you can use to resize the picture if needed} and background while the other does takes care of the pics on the side for each article. Another suggestion is to split up the work--one can do half of the side pics while the other does the other half. Both could also just take turns each month. Whatever works between the two. ^.^

Any questions, comments, or concerns? Please PM, post on the message board {Tag @NarutoMagazine to make sure I get notified} or email me at narutomagazine1@gmail.com!

Thank you for reading!~

Job Descriptions and Availability!♥ [UPDATED 6/22/16]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora