✧Advice Columnist-

258 15 4

READ!!-->(If interested, please make sure to read our "Discipline System" under the 'Important Announcements' book [second "chapter"] before you decide to apply.)

Those in charge will give advice/tips on Naruto fanfics (like how to avoid certain things, how to write for certain genres, dialogue, etc), OR they may focus on advice on life in general (school, work, dealing with problems).

Advertise that you are available to give advice for this article- it'll help. If someone asks for advice but wants to remain anonymous, then it'll stay that way. So those of you reading this that don't want the job but would like to participate in asking for advice, just simply state whether you'd like to stay anonymous or not. If a problem occurs and you see that it hasn't been posted as anonymous and you asked for it to be, please let me know and I'll fix it asap!

→If there are any comments, concerns or questions then PM me, post on the message board, or email me at narutomagazine1@gmail.com!←

Thank you for reading!~

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