Chapter 31

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I treat myself to a muffin on the way into work and force myself to function normally. In the confines of my office I feel back in control after yesterday and a little foolish about my overreaction to some bloody flowers. A thought that could explain everything pops into my head and I reach for my phone to send a message on our group.

Just had a thought about the flowers, do you guys think they could be a peace offering from Charlie? X

Caroline: Could be, why don't you ask him? X

Sarah: I don't think so. I think he will be keeping his head down if he knows what's good for him! X

I can't ask him, I'm still too upset and angry about what he did. X

Caroline: I've just text him. We shall see... x

I throw myself back into work, but it doesn't take long for me to get my answer.

Caroline: He said no, he wants to give you some space for a while. But he apologised for his behaviour. X

Sarah: So he fucking should... prick! X

Ok, thanks for asking. X

I leave work right on time because I'm so excited to have a catch up with Caroline. As I'm leave the building I receive a message from Daniel and my heart soars.

Hey beautiful. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch today, was on set before dawn and haven't stopped. Missing you so much. Hoping to be home with you on Friday, so only 3 more sleeps until I see you again! I hope work was OK today and have fun with Caroline – not too much fun without me though. D x

I can't help but laugh at his childish ways ... 3 sleeps, what an idiot. I start to type my witty response, but then my blood runs cold when I hear my full name being called.


My eyes scan the crowd around me in pure panic, but I don't see anyone I recognise. My body instantly betrays me and begins to tremble at the sound of my full name being called like that, it sounded just like Ed.

A few seconds pass and my pulse returns to normal and when no one approaches me, I'm sure I must have imagined it. You are fucking paranoid I think and start walking again. I walk a little quicker this time and I decide that I will text Daniel back once I'm in the pub with Caroline.

While I am putting my phone back in my pocket someone grabs my arm and I spin round to see Ed standing in front of me for the first time in nearly two years. My breath gets caught in my throat like it is too shocked to leave my body. I look down to where his hand still holds my arm a little too tightly and he lets go immediately, raising his hands to show he is backing off now he has my attention.

"Hello Elizabeth."

My brain refuses to work for a few seconds trying to process the fact that he has found me. Ed is here ... he is here ... right now. I clear my throat and stand up straight, refusing to let myself fall back into old habits.

"What are you doing here?" I try with every fibre of my being to demonstrate to him that I'm not intimidated by him and I think I succeed on the outside; even though my limbs are screaming at me to run.

"You have been a hard woman to find Elizabeth." My full name roles off his tongue slowly and it makes my stomach heave to hear him say it. "But I have to be honest; it wasn't difficult to discover where you worked once there were so many pictures of you on the internet with that overrated actor, Daniel Weston." He snorts Daniel's name as if just saying it is physically hurting him.

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