Chapter one

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Hi my name is (y/n) and I guess this is the story of how my life ended.... and began. Let's all start from the beginning. The day after my 8th birthday and one of the most scariest days of my life... for now.

*beep*... *beep*... *beep*
I don't wanna I thought as I glanced up at my alarm. 8:00 am it read. I groaned as I pulled my pillow over my head.

"(Y/N)! Get up it's time for school!" My mother called obviously from the bottom of the stairs.

"Ughhhgf" my groans muffled from the pillow on my head.
"Okay alright. I'm up." I called back as I kicked my blanket off of me.

I slipped off my bed almost stepping on a small Lego. I mentally promised myself that I would pick up my toys and clean my room when I got home from school.

I slipped on a bright blue peace sign shirt, a pair of justice jeans and proceeded to walk down stairs.

"Hurry up and eat or you're gonna miss the bus!" Mom said as she placed a bowl of cereal on the table.

I quickly ate, kissed my mom and ran out the door to the bus stop where one of my friends stood waiting.

"Morning (y/n)."
"Morning Sam."

She looked normal today her blonde hair in a high ponytail and her blue eyes behind her big pink glasses.

"Did you watch the newest episode of winx?" Sam asked.
"Yea. Isn't bloom's new wings amazing!"
"I kinda liked her old wings better."
"They were nice but her new ones are-"

I turned my head to see the bus pulling up and stopping in front of us.

We both stepped and walked to our assigned seats. Soon enough we were at our school and we walked in different directions since we had different home rooms.

I walked into my home room and sat down next to my other friend Ivy.

We had just started to talk about the new monster high characters when our teacher walked in and started our first class of the day.

She was telling us about the different points of views when the intruder alarm went off.

"So first point of view is when-"


"This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill. Lock your door and stay inside your rooms at all costs. I repeat-"

A low growl could be heard, then screaming, then... nothing. Just silence.

The teacher did as instructed and shut the door telling us to stay very quiet.

What came next was something out of a horror movie that my mom would never let me watch.

Ivy had started to cry loudly for her mother.

"I j-just want to g-go homeee." She cried to herself.
"Shhh. Just be quiet." I whispered.

*bang* one slam on the door quickly turned into many more."

Then it stopped. My teacher told us to stay put as she approached the door. She slowly opened it but it was too late. A hand grabbed her and pulled her out of the classroom causing the door to completely open and for us to see what our world had become.

I would no longer talk with Sam about winx or with Ivy about monster high...

This is where my life ended.

(Helllllooooo so uh I suck at writing at a constant pace. BUT MY FANTASYS NEED TO BE READ! so please enjoy my shit fanfic :3 )

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