Chapter 7: Don't Worry

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We went and explained everything to Devin, Mia and everyone and they all were SO happy after all we had luck on our side at least for now
"So now all we have to do is get the sound system and fireworks right?" Devin asked.
"Yes and don't worry I'll find a way for them as well" you said.
"I-I I really don't know what to say you've done so much for me Dan I don't know how will I ever repay you"
"SHUT UP you dumb head we're more than best friends and there are no thank you's between friends let alone us so stop saying such stupid things"
"Ok" he said while tearing up.
"Stop it oh my god are seriously going to cry"
"WHAT NO shut up who said I'm going to cry I'm a man"
"Oh yeah you are all grown up and a manly man now come here come you dumbdumb" I said laughing and teasing him while hugging him.
"Hey stop it let go"
"Mhm mhm aha I love you too, you dummy" you said.
"I love you too dumbhead"
"GUYS LET'S HAVE A GROUP HUG COME ON ALL OF YOU COME COME" you said and you all had a group hug together "I love you all dummies"
"We love you too" Mia said while hugging you tight
"Love you Dummy" Jay said.
"Same" you said smiling.
"OK OK let's go back to work guys we have no time hahaha LET'S DO OUR BEST....WE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN AM I RIGHT" you said.
"YEEEEEES!!" they all screamed.
"RIGHT now let's go" with that you all went back to work.
"Dan I need to talk to you" Devin said.
"Yeah sure come let's talk there"
"So what's up anything wrong? You okay? Do you need anything g else?" you asked Devin
" Dan Stop! Just wait a minute" He said laughing cause you attacked him with questions "First seriously anything else of course not I don't need anything you are doing more than enough"
"I'll stop you right there Mr. I won't continue if I was you didn't we just talk about this so just stop" you said with all seriousness.
"Ok Ok I'm sorry"
"You better be" you cut him off.
" Ok Ok I get it stop being serious"
"Ok Well stop thanking me every five seconds although I'll admit it feels a bit good coming out from your mouth since you never did it before you know what I should actually record it for the future" you said laughing and teasing him.
"Ok I get it, get over yourself"
"WOAH! what a change in just a second" you said laughing.
"Well you wanted it this while" he said laughing too.
"Anyway what did you want to tell me?
"Uhh Yeah I wanted to say huuuh what are we going to do about rest of the things? We need them" Devin said.
"Don't worry about that I'll manage everything I already told you" you said with a reassuring smile.
"I know I know but seriously still I AM supposed to be the one worrying about all of this NOT YOU I should at least have the decency to ask you and try and find a way to get them I wi-"
"You want to help me right" you said cutting him off.
"Yes, of course I should be doing everything and you helping me not the other way around"
"It's OK all you have to do is decorate the things you need to decoreate and organize everything aside from the stage the way you want it to look like and just manage these things and let me worry and take care of the stage and the rest of the things we need to get OK that's all I need"
"But still you did so much and I'm making you worry do so much work"
"Wait I'll just stop you right there one you did me a favor cause my week was already really boring and you gave me something useful to comsume my time and do for this week and second you want me to be happy and not to worry right? Believe me I'll most definitely be when this party comes to life and becomes reality, and we will make it happen and you will make me happy won't you? Am I right or am riiiiight?"
"No buts don't worry about a thing plus you guys still need to practice and that alone is a lot of work don't worry about a thing and just go practice and if you really want me to be happy then just rock this party and let the people say that this is THE best party they'd ever been to"
"I will"
"Promise, I'll do my best and again Thank you for everything REALLY"
"It's OK after all when this is all over you are gonna treat me, Jay, and Mia huge and expensive meal won't you?" You said while smiling widely.
"LOL Promise I will" he said laughing.
"YES YUM YUM IN THE TUM TUM!" you said excitedly and you both laughed so loud.
"Come here you" you said and gave him a really tight hug.
"You should seriously record this cause its one of this few times wherein I'll say this even though it's the absolute truth I'll admit"
"You really are the BEST I'm really happy and proud to have someone like you that i can call a friend"
"I know I know I'm the best sorry can't say the same about you" you said acting all high high.
"Oh really" he said flicking you in the head.
"Mhm mhm just kidding you are the best too but not better than me hahahaha"
"I can live with that....for now" he said and you both laughed.
"Ok I think we should go we still have a lot of work to do and let's hope that this concert turns out good"
"It will turn out even better its going to be awesome after all it's our concert am I right?"
"Well I'll go help Mia"
"Ya I have to go check something with Jay as well best of luck oh yeah and also go practice since Ed needs it"
"Best of luck to you too and don't worry he will be ok we all will be"
"Yes we will.....see ya in a bit"
"See ya"
And with that you split ways and went to finish your work.
"For the past hours everything has been going well but is luck going to stay with us I sure do hope it stays for as long as possible....Now let's see hmmmm what will I do and how will I get the the fireworks and Sound System?" you said to yourself and went to search for Jay.

.......To Be Continued........

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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