Part 3

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Nick and Maddie arrive at the restaurant 15 minutes later. Nick gets off the bike and offers a hand to Maddie.

"M'lady" Nick says, extending his hand to her.

Maddie giggles and takes his hand.

Nick helps her off the bike, still holding her hand, and smiling.

Nick opened the door and stepped aside, gesturing Maddie to enter first.

"Thanks" Maddie said, smiling.

Nick smiled back and walked in after her.

"How may I help you?" The waitress said.

"A table for two." Nick said, and casually puts his arm around Maddie.

"Right this way." The waitress says. They follow here.

The waitress hands them their menus and walks away.

"Thanks." Maddie says, smiling.

"For what?" Nick asks.

"I don't know, just taking me out. It feels good to take a break from that music store and fighting evil all the time." Maddie said.

"It does feel good doesn't it?" Nick asks.

Maddie nods, and the waitress walks back.

"Hi, my name is Jackie, I'll be your waitress for tonight. Can I start you guys off with drinks?" The waitress asks.

"Water" Maddie says.

"Waters fine." Nick says.

"Okay. Be right back." Jackie says, smiling and walks off.

"I'm guessing waters a connection to the blue ranger isn't it?" Nick asks.

"Well yeah, but I just like water because it tastes refreshing. And people don't think it has a taste, well it does!!! It's taste is fresh and clean!!" Maddie says.

Nick laughs. "I've never had such an in-depth conversation about water before."

Maddie laughs. "Me neither."

"You look very pretty tonight." Nick says, reaching for her hand.

"Here are your drinks!!" Jackie says, passing them out. "Now what can I get you guys to eat?"

"I'll have lobster." Maddie says.

"I'll have a cheeseburger." Nick says.

"Coming right up!!!!" Jackie says and walks away.

Nick looks up at Maddie. "You have really pretty eyes." He said.

Maddie blushes. "Thanks."

"They're so shiny." Nick says.

"Well, they ARE eyes, but I appreciate it!! And your eyes are also very beautiful." Maddie says.

"Oh why thank you!!!" Nick exclaims and they both laugh.

"So have you read any good books lately?" Nick asks.

"Well I just read The Fault in our Stars by John Green. Oh, such a great book, but the ending had me crying. It's a good thing no one was around. I'm such an ugly crier." Maddie says.

"Now, I reject that out of hand, Hazel Grace." Nick says, and winks. "I bet that even when you're crying, you're beautiful."

Maddie's eyes widened. "You've read it?!"

"Why so shocked?" Nick asks.

"Because you're a guy!!!" Maddie says.

"Well, I do believe that males can learn a thing or to from that amazingly handsome and charismatic young man, Augustus Waters." Nick says.

Maddie laughs. "Truer words have never been spoken."

"Okay!!! Here's your lobster, and here's your cheeseburger." Jackie says.

"Thanks." Nick says.

Jackie smiles then walks away.

A couple minutes later...

"How's your food?" Nick asks.

"Good." Maddie says.

"Do you want desert?" Nick says.

"No, I'm fine." Maddie says.

"Okay." Nick says.

Nick pulls out his wallet and pays the tab and tips the waitress. Then Nick takes Maddie's hand and together they make their way out of the restaurant.

"This was fun!" Maddie says.

"We should do it again some time." Nick says, then winks. "Okay?"

Maddie giggles. "Okay."

Nick opens the door and steps aside for Maddie, then puts his arm around her again.

All of a sudden, the ground starts to shake

"Holy shit!!!" Nick says, as the ground shakes more violently.

"What the hell is going on?!" Maddie screams.

"Get down!!!" Nick says.

Maddie nods and crouches down, Nick moves in front of her, shielding her from whatever's going on.

"RED RANGER!!!" A voice says.

"KORAGG!!!" Nick screams. "What the hell do you want?!"

"To defeat you rangers once and for all!!!" Koragg says.

Nick turns to Maddie and helps her up.

"We gotta morph!" Nick says.

Maddie nodded and they both pulled out their morphers and suited up.

Nick and Maddie attack Koragg. Their battle goes back and forth. Nick and Maddie fall to the ground. KORAGG adds another blast at Nick.

"If you're to weak if it's just two of you, then imagine how weak you'll be if you're down a ranger." Koragg says.

"What the hell are you taking about?" Nick screams.

Koragg looks over at the unconscious Maddie on the ground.

"Stay the hell away from her!!!" Nick says.

Koragg walks over to the unconscious Maddie on the ground and picks her up.

"PUT HER DOWN!!!!" Nick screams.

Koragg then casts a spell and he and Maddie begin descending into the Underworld.

"MADDIE!!!" Nick screams, now finally on his feet. He begins running to Koragg but he's to late. He falls onto his knees and screams. "MADDIE!!!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2014 ⏰

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