Chapter 8- Don't be upsetti, have some spaghetti

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I only saw Sans tense a little when I ran towards Papyrus, but he was now looking at us smiling. Papyrus put me down again. "So, now we are friends, what do friends do?!" I tapped my chin and an idea shot through my head. "Let's make spaghetti!"

The moment I said the word 'spaghetti' his face lit up -and he screamed- and he dragged me to his house by my arm. Finally, I got to see the skelebros' house. It was exactly like I imagined it: Not too big, but very cozy. I couldn't see much though because before I knew it I was behind the counter in the kitchen. As I suspected Papyrus made Spaghetti the same way as Undyne has taught him. That could use improvement. With every step, he did differently than me I tried to gently tell him he should do it the other way. Thank god Papyrus took my advice the way I meant it and was willing to learn. He would do everything with huge enthusiasm like I expected. When we were finished, he almost threw the plate in Sans face. "SANS, TRY MY NEWEST SPAGHETTI! I MADE IT WITH THE HUMAN!" Sans took the plate. I was just as excited as Papyrus when he took the huge bite. "Aaaaaand?" Sans smiled at us proudly while a light seemed to appear in his eye sockets. "This is amazing." Papyrus and I screamed and high fived. Then it was our turn to try. Sans didn't lie, it was the best spaghetti I ever tasted and Papyrus seemed happier than ever. I couldn't count how many times Papyrus thanked me. "Thanks to you I can finally make proper spaghetti! Thank you so much human!" "No problem! I really enjoyed cooking together! We should again sometime!" After I said that I started to think. Would there even be a next time? I shook my head and threw that thought away. After we all finished our spaghetti we sat down in the sofa and Sans clicked on the tv. Papyrus shot up again and pointed at it as a weird looking rectangle on a wheel was riding from left to right over the screen while Metal Crusher was playing. I just wanted to scream 'Mettaton!' when Papyrus started to explain that that was Mettaton. "He is the most famous monster -well, robot- in the Underground!" "And also the only one." Sans added sarcastically. Something told me he didn't quite like this robot. Me on the other hand, was immediately excited. Mettaton also was one of my favorite characters because he was so funny, famous, confident and awesome. I am probably one of the few people who like him more when he is a rectangle. "Hello beauties and gentle-beauties, and welcome to a brand new episode of 'Cooking with a Killer Robot!' Today we will be making something sweet. Brownies! Keep watching if you want to know how to make these fabulous brown chocolate treats!" "Aww... I always wonder when the day comes Mettaton will be making spaghetti..." "Maybe you can call him and tell him your suggestion?" "C-CALL HIM?! NO! HE IS TO FAMOUS FOR THAT!" "I think he will be more than happy that someone would suggest something! That means you are watching every day! I am sure he would love that! He always adores his fans, doesn't he?" Papyrus thought for a second. "Maybe that idea isn't that bad! Great idea human!" I smiled, happy that Papyrus liked the idea. looked at the clock that was hanging in the living room. It was already 7 o'clock and I saw Papyrus slowly getting tired. I remembered that he still wanted to hear a bedtime story, so it wouldn't surprise me if he went to bed early. "I should go and leave you two alone. I had real fun today Papyrus, thank you for everything! And Sans..." I turned to the smaller skeleton. "Thank you." He nodded, showing he understood what I meant. I waved goodbye and left the brothers alone. After the door closed behind me and the ice wind started to chill me entirely a new question appeared in my head. What now? Should I go to Grillby's again? Did the librarby have good books? I noticed how hard it was to open my eyes again after I shut them for a moment. I was tired. Too tired to even do anything. If I went to the librarby to read books, I am sure I would fall asleep in no time. It had been a rough day though. Doing puzzles, making spaghetti, watching Mettaton... Ok, that sounds like I sat on the couch all day, but it was very exhausting. I mean, Papyrus wasn't the calmest person... Anyways, the only thing I wanted to do now was crawl in my bed and fall asleep. Except I didn't have a bed... And I didn't have money so I couldn't go to the Inn or something. Well, guess there was only one solution: Sleep outdoors. I strolled through the snow towards a little group of pine trees and settled myself down in the snow leaning against one of the pines. The ice went right through my jeans but at least I the trunk kept me out of the wind. Well, this was it. Here was where I should survive a night. But it didn't matter right? I mean, this was all still a dream. Tomorrow I would wake up and never return here again. I sighed. That would be to bad. I really loved the Underground already. All the monsters I met so far were so kind and I saw it as a challenge to win Sans' trust. In the distance I heard a door opening and closing followed by feet stepping through the snow. A moment later Sans was standing in front of me. "Hey, whatcha doin' here kid?" "Erm... Camping..?" "Isn't camping suppose to be more... In-tents?" I snickered. "Well, yeah but I don't really have a tent, neither do I have money to stay at the Inn, so I guess I will be sleeping here tonight. Sans lifted his head like he didn't believe what I was saying. "You wouldn't survive the cold." "Well, that'd be one less of a worry, right?" I immediately regret what I just said. The skeleton flinched barely visible but recovered quickly. "Maybe you want to stay at our place tonight? I know it ain't much but it'd be better than freezing to death right?" My jaw dropped lower than ever. Did he get what he was offering? "Are you serious?!" Sans grinned wider. "No, I'm Sans." He turned around and walked back to his house. For a moment, I thought he only came here to make that pun, but then he turned around and smiled at me. "You coming?"

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