Chapter 9- Thank you

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You don't want to know how excited I was to see Sans' room for real. The room was exactly like I imagined: Even messier than mine, filled with socks and smelling like ketchup. "So, welcome to my room. I am sure you already knew what it looked like but still. Don't mind the mess, I'll clean it in sec." Sans suddenly lifted one finger and his eye turned blue. A few seconds socks, clothes and spaghetti flew through the room. The socks and clothes were stacked in a pile next to the door and he moved the treadmill to the same wall as the window was hanging. With one more little 'plop' a mattress with blanket and pillow appeared and was placed before his drawer. All the time I was watching with a dropped jaw and a shine in my eyes, wishing I could clean my room like that. "There. Make yourself at home, kid." I made a shrieking sound that made Sans stare at me. "Is something wr-" "No, just excited over how fricking cool magic is." Sans grinned. "It is pretty cool I suppose. I don't really know, magic is so normal here that I got used to it. Anyways, do you want to sleep or do you want to watch tv or anything?" I thought for a minute and then got reminded of how tired I was. "Well, it has been a rough day... I think I am going to bed..." Sans nodded. "Same here, I can't remember the last time I had to move this much in one day." I snickered. Sans dropped himself on his bed and pointed at the door. "The bathroom is down the hall to the right, if you need to go there." I decided that that would be the place where I would get ready for bed. Then I realized I didn't have ANYTHING at all with me. I even left my pajamas at the shop. Sans seemed to understand the problem and went through his closet. He got me a white shirt with "Nap Queen" on it and a different pair of his black and white shorts. I thanked him and went to the bathroom to get changed. They both were way too wide and large for me, but I didn't mind at all. When I went back I saw Sans cover his mouth to hide a wheeze. I struck a dramatic Mettaton pose while saying 'oohhhh yeeeeeeees!' and that made him roll off his bed of laughter. "How do I look?" I asked with a deadly-serious face. Sans started to snicker again. "Like you are ready for a bed time." This made us both burst into laughter again until I felt the tears roll down my face. I stopped when sans held his finger in front of his mouth. "Papyrus is sleeping" he whispered. Oops. We both were quiet until we heard the soft snoring of Papyrus next door. I sighed relieved and duck into my bed. Sans had also changed in the time I did and was wearing a white shirt with black letters saying "Shhhhhh I'm hibernating". Sans put off the light and also crawled under the warm blankets. For a moment there was nothing but silents. I was very tired, but I just didn't want to go to sleep. I was afraid everything would be gone, just when I was having the time of my life. "Hey kid," "Yeah?" "Thanks. For everything today. For giving Paps a new dream, for teaching him how to cook spaghetti... I had fun." I felt proud, happy and tired. "You're welcome. I had an amazing day as well. Although there is one thing I don't understand..." "What is that?" "Why do you trust me?" A few seconds of silence. "What do you mean?" "Well, you let me get really close to Pap while I know you are very protective of him, and you let me sleep in your house in your room. Don't get me wrong, it feels great to be trusted, but... Why?" I heard Sans sigh. "Well... I don't know really... You just remind me of someone I used to know. And your knowledge about this place and resets... It feels comfortable. Familiar even. You feel like an old friend that get to see again." Now it was my turn to remain silent. I was literally almost crying at this point, that is how happy I was. I was familiar? I was like a friend? TO THE MOST FAMOUS GREATEST SKELETON IN PROBABLY THE  ENTIRE WORLD?! "Wow... Thank you..." "You're welcome." Then I was struck by guilt. I first didn't get why, but then I understood: There was a 0% chance that I would return here. After all, this was still all just a dream. When I wanted to go to sleep, I noticed a blue light. Sans' eye was shining blue and he looked at a little book he was holding, using it like a flashlight. "What is that?" He looked up at me, pointing the light right in my eye. "This? It's nothing. It is a journal. Kinda like a diary but with a fancier name." "Like a diary huh? That wasn't smart to say to me. Now I shall look inside it and read all your secrets." I taunted. Sans snickered. "Well, good luck 'cause it is written in WingDings." "I shall translate it, just you wait..." Sans laughed again and I lay down comfortably. "I am going to sleep, goodnight..." "Goodnight kid. And thanks for trusting me." I smiled and before I knew it everything went black again...

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