Chapter 2: Vicky

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I woke up this morning got dressed and made my way downstairs where I was greeted by my mom and Dad.

Jayden: Goodmorning Janell! How was school yesterday?

Janell: It was great I met a lot of people and I might have a new best friend.

Dave: Oh have you been invited to any parties? I know your a party person.

Janell: Yea one of Daniel's friends invited me.

Daniel: What I heard my name?

I turned around and saw Skittles in the doorway with Pump and Chantel.

Janell: Nothing.

Chantel: Janell you just be slaying girl. You are a bad girl. I love your outfit.

Pump: Who's dog?

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Pump: Who's dog?

Janell: That's my dog. Her name is Thalia.

Chantel: Awww she's just so cute and fluffy.

Daniel: We need to go before we're late.

**At school in Ms. Williams' class**

Ms.Williams: Good morning class! So today we are going to the beach! I remember to text y'all to bring bathing suits. Now did y'all?

The whole class groaned yes. I looked down cause I felt something touch my knee. I followed the hand and saw Gazzy. I popped his hand away.

I may like him but I don't like him enough for him to touch me. I don't know about him yet he could have a girlfriend for all I know. I just got here.

Pump gave me the puppy dog eyes. Oh well, I just don't feel that way about him.

Ms. Williams: Ok everyone go to the restrooms and get changed.

Me and Chantel was talking about having a sleepover when she paused and looked at me then she looked ahead of her.

Janell: Telly what's wrong?

Chantel: Nell look at Pump.

I looked forward and saw Pump and Vicky taking a picture together. Pump was totally flirting with her.

Janell: Vicky.

Chantel: You know her?

Janell: Yea she is the reason why I was in Alternative School. I fought her in 9th grade cause she called me a nigga.

Chantel: Your mixed?

Janell: Yea with Black and Mexican.

We walked into the bathroom and changed. Then we saw Ms.Williams in her bathing suit.

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Janell: Oh my gosh Chantel I love you suit

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Janell: Oh my gosh Chantel I love you suit.

Chantel: Look at Your is sexy asf.

Janell: Aww thanks Wifey.

Ms.Williams: What about mine?

Janell: It's pretty.

After I said that me and Chantel ran out of the bathroom and ran into the boys and Vicky😒

Vicky: Y'all like my bathing suit?!

It could be cute if she had the body for it to be honest

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It could be cute if she had the body for it to be honest.

Janell: Ima be real with you if you had the body and the face it would totally fit you.

I heard Chantel and the boys laugh.

WiFi: Come on Jae

We walked to the beach with the boys behind us.

Janell: Oww the sand is hot!

Wifi: Here get on my back.

I jumped on WiFi's back and Chantel jumped on Daniel's. Aww goals. Vicky asked to get on Pump's back but he just ignored her. But she jumped on his back anyway.

Just as we reached the beach I got a ding on Snapchat from Vicky.

My baby❤️😍

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My baby❤️😍

Wow I hope she don't think I'm jealous cause I don't give a fuck. She looks like a rag doll really.

Vicky: Janell can I talk to you?

Janell: You talking to me now.

Vicky: Fine I just wanted to say sorry for calling you a nigga in 9th grade and I'm sorry for sending you that picture of me and Gazzy. He made me do it. He wanted to make you jealous he likes you a lot.

Awww Gazzy is so cute. I accepted Vicky's apology and gave her a hug we walked back to the beach. I saw Pump bending over so I ran and jumped on his back.

Pump: What the hell? Who dis?!

I kissed him on his cheek and saw he started blushing. I jumped off his back and pushed him into the water.

I held my hand out to help him and he pulled me in. This is like the best day of my life😍

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