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conversation between @harrystyles and @devpierce/


@harrystyles: dev babe let me explain everything please

@devpierce: what do you have to explain? i think things are pretty clear

@harrystyles: i had to devon, they want me to be with her for publicity

@harrytyles: it's all because of the album and campaign stuff

@devpierce: and you thought it was OKAY to dump me on my birthday because your manager said so? so you can run back to her and get the publicity? i can't even talk to you right now

@devpierce: oh and i'm sure you were very sad to have to go to her house the same night. such an inconvenience,right? -_-

@devpierce: i saw the paparazzi photos,Harry.. don't even bother to lie to me.

@harrystyles: i had to devon. he wanted me to go there. but i promise you,nothing happened. i love you too much, i couldn't do anything to hurt you

@harrystyles: and i can't let your future be ruined because of me

@harrystyles: i can't explain everything now... but know that i did it for you

@devpierce: oh well, i hope it was worth it for you then... cause for me it wasn't. don't give me that 'i did it for you' bullshit. anyway, i guess it doesn't matter now. good luck with your album and shot the fame.

@devpierce: have a good life,Harry

@harrystyles: Devon,let me explain everything to you face to face. I'll tell you everything

@harrystyles: baby,please.... don't leave me like this

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