she's dying!?

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Gene's point of view still:

"Sasha call 911 maybe we shouldn't have brought her here!" I was beginning to panic as she stopped twisting, but the light was almost gone and her breathing is almost at a stop since her chesting isn't rising or lowering.

"On it!" Sasha starts to call for help.

"Dang what should we do until they arrive. Should we move her or?" Zenix was so nervous that his voice and body was shaking a tad.

"No we shouldn't move her. For all we know we could make it worse." I said pacing around trying to think of some way we could help.

Just then there was rusling in the bushes around the small opening and when had stopped we heard growling.

Sasha was unaware of this going on due to her on the phone in hopes of getting help.

Leaving Zenix and I to defend the two girl. All I am saying is they both are going to owe us in the future.

Anyway Zenix and I were in our fighting stance when suddenly a werewolf had jumped out and started to growl more.

"Why do you have my sister!?" He had snarled.

"Sister!?" Zenix had been taken by suprize as well as I. Is she part werewolf to?

"I will ask you one more time why do you have my sister and who did that to her!?" He seemed like a full on animal. An actual live wolf more than a person.

"We found her on school property dude. She was unconscious and well we took her to freak out Zane to know his girlfriend was missing after he got to the hospital." I said relaxed though still on guard.

"My sister is not yours to decide to take or leave. And how do you know about Zane if you were here?" He asked glaring down at me.

"Isn't it obvious? We were the ones to do that to him." Zenix said taking the same attitude as me.

Just then in a blink of an eye Zenix was pinned up against a tree by his throat.

"You did that to him! How dare you put Zane at risk, but also my sister as well! I should kill you just for this because you guys just killed those two!"

"Chill dude we left Zane with just enough energy and life that he will just have to be hospitalized for a couple of months." I said like it was nothing because it was.

"You have no idea what you did. If Zane dies. She dies. If he gets hurt she feels all of it. And since Zane is to weak for all I know that demon has got to her!" He dropped Zenix which has passed out due to the fact of lack of oxygen.

Sasha keeps her distance as much as possible from this lunatic.

"Oh please like we will believe that nonsense. If she really does have those things happening to her why would she have been able to walk before we found her?"

"You have no idea how much pain she could handle." He is about to tackle me but then a new light has appeared.

A shining white light with that of a hint of gray had show were that mark lit up before had been.

Then it turned red and started to fade once again.

"What is going on!?" I am now really confused.

"Zane you better not die or else once I am dead and meet you whereever you go, I will personally make you feel like you are dying over and over again." The werewolf guy says.

Then we finally here sirens and some men and women come over talk to all of us and take Zenix just in case and y/n.

The werewolf guy glares at me. "We are not done talking about this."

Then we were left behind as that guy went to the hospital with now the I suppose the 'dying' y/n.

What did we actually do?

Sorry this is short compared to my other chapters. I am just tired so. See you next time bye💜

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