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Misaki and Aiako meet Hanabusa when they are kids and when Hanabusa got lost. "Hi," Misaki said "Hello," Aiako said "Hi," Hanabusa said. "I'm Aiako," Aiako said "The names Misaki," Misaki said "I'm Hanabusa," Hanabusa said. They introduced each other and quickly became friends.

Hanabusa learn that they are not humans, but wolf and demon. He accepted them and told them "I'm a vampire, a noble". They are shocked, but accepted him, they loved Hanabusa. Hanabusa is so cute and harmless to them. Aiako made the good luck charms for them, blue, yellow and green even the. Misaki bought rings and whistle and bells for them. Hanabusa watched and put them on even Misaki and Aiako. They give each other nicknames. Hanabusa - Misaki is "Aki" and Aiako is "Ai- chan" while Misaki and Aiako- Hanabusa is "Hana (-chan)".

While at the Aido House:
"Aido-sama! Hanabusa-sama is missing! We can't find him anywhere!" a maid exclaimed. "What! Where is he?!" he exclaimed. "We don't know where he is!" a butler exclaimed. Akatsuki and Ruka are shocked to learn that Hanabusa has gone missing and want to help finding him. They have search parties for Hanabusa who is missing and they are looking everywhere for Hanabusa.

Back to where Hanabusa is:
They are having fun with each other with no worries or problems. They run to trouble with the vampire hunter and make Hanabusa has a trauma. Hanabusa is being tortured by the vampire hunters and Misaki and Aiako are being tortured as well. Hanabusa watched as they are tortured, he was crying and begging. Misaki and Aiako is covered in injured and blood of theirs and Hanabusa's. Hanabusa as well who is covered in injured and blood of Misaki, Aiako and his own. Hanabusa watched as the torture his friends who screamed in pain and cryingn in pain, destroyed everything. Hanabusa fell into conscious after using a mysterious power to destroy everything. Misaki and Aiako have the strength to managed to escape that place and killed all the vampire hunters are there. They left Hanabusa somewhere his family could find him and left him there, his family found Hanabusa and they are shocked when they found him, he is covered in injures and blood.

They are worried and carried him gently and carefully home, Akatsuki and Ruka are shocked to see Hanabusa's condition and worried about him, Hanabusa's mother are 3 sisters are shocked at his state and start crying. Hanabusa is sleeping, they hope he is alright and wake up and tell them what happened. When he wake up, his family is happy that he is awake. "We are happy," the head of the house said "I have a question,"  Hanabusa said. "What is it?" the head asked "Who are you?" Hanabusa asked. They are shocked when he asked that. They asked for a doctor, then doctor came over and check him and said that he has amnesia and can't remember anything ,they are shocked that he has amnesia and don't recognized them at all. The doctor wants them to help him remember and don't push him to remember, Akatsuki and Ruka learn that Hanabusa lost his memories, they are shocked. They want to help, they meet Kaname after Hanabusa slowly regaining his memories.

Misaki and Aiako are different creatures, only Hanabusa knows and accept them. They transferred to the Cross Academy and they became the Cross Academy Guardians on their first day, they know about the Night Class being vampires. They heard that Hanabusa in the Night Class, they are happy to hear that he is in the Night Class. They reunited, Hanabusa is happy to see them as well. They are in the Day Class in the day and in the Sun Dorm. They are a part of the Cross Academy Guardians with Yuri and Zero. Hanabusa still have the stuff on him like tham, they are happy to find him with them. Hanabusa still have nightmares of that day and the only ones who can comfort him is them, they were there that day and they have those nightmares as well, they comfort each other.

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