Chapter 2: Welcome to The Resistance

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Troye was awakened to a painful stinging on his cheek, his hand automatically rubbing the spot where he was just hit. "Ow" He complained, his mind slightly disoriented. His head was throbbing. Why was that?

A petite girl with long hair had her hand raised in the air from slapping him awake. She had a displeased scowl on her face though her blue eyes held a shining amusement. "Welcome to The Resistance, Troye." she said with a growing smirk on her face.

"What?" He sat up quickly, the blood rushing to his head and creating a dizzy spell as soon as he did. He groaned, laying himself back down onto the couch he had apparently been on this entire time. His eyes widened as he took in his surroundings.

He was definitely not in the museum anymore.

He was in a comfortable enough looking room. It had sparse furniture, but enough to make it look like some cozy little den. He was a little freaked out by the room he was in however, but he was far more freaked out by the six people surrounding him on all sides.

Especially because they all had various weapons slung by their hips as they were all dressed in black.

"Great Job, Zoe. He looks like a scared kitten." somebody said to his right with an amused tone. Troye's eyes latched onto the voice, seeing that it belonged to a boy who seemed to be around his age. Troye stared at him for a moment, shocked at the vibrancy of his honey eyes against his pale, scrawny frame and jet black hair.

The girl left his side and finally dropped down her hand, placing it back on her hip, just above the black gun held to her hip by a black strap. She gave him a pointed look, seemingly displeased that he found the situation funny.

So her name is Zoe he thought to himself. Troye frowned, hand still to his cheek as he lay frozen where he was, his eyes wide as he peered at his kidnappers.

Why the fuck did she slap me?

"Luca." another voice said in a scolding tone. This voice belonged to the boy on the far left of the room, his back leaning against the wall as he regarded Luca with warning, almost glowing, honey eyes. Troye stared at him, perplexed. He decided these two must be brothers. They looked too much alike to suggest otherwise. Though the younger boy, Luca, differed greatly from his brother, the eyes made it all to obvious.

The older one had bronze hair, almost red against the buttery, yellow light in the room. He was pale like his brother, but his body type was well built and tall. Their eye's though, were completely identical. It was the same smoldering, almost golden shade.

"Jesse" Luca mimicked his brother's tone.

Jesse's eyes flared in annoyance.

"Enough, you two." Zoe snapped, comanding their silence with her tone of voice.

"Where am I?" Troye finally demanded of them, bright blue eye's panicked and confused as his voice rose an octave in fear. "Who are the hell are you people?"

"Like Zoe said." A man with black hair and a sharp jaw answered. Out of all of them, he was the one with the most weapons slung across his body. His hazel eyes flickered to Zoe. "You're in The Resistance."

"Introductions are in order, aren't they?' A tanned girl with dark, shoulder length hair interjected. She was the first to approach him without resorting to violence like Zoe. She gave him a polite smile, though he couldn't help but see that her eyes seemed to be analyzing him. "My name is Isabella Anne." she didn't offer her hand to shake as was socially acceptable, but merely stood a few feet away from him, studying his reactions.

One of the brothers approached him then, Luca. He stood beside Isabella, slightly in front of her, in a vaugely protective stance. He offered a hand to Troye, who shook it suspiciously. "Luca Von Hart." He said simply. Troye still had no idea what was going on, but he knew that he shouldn't anger the people who were currently in charge of his fate.

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