Chapter 2

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         For two days, I locked myself in my office, working—liar! I was thinking about her, Jennifer Grendel, my supposed enemy. I couldn’t concentrate on my duties. Just pretended to be the same grumpy Alpha who everyone was scared to approach, and when I could not take it anymore, asked for information of my newest obsession.

She was in the underground prison, so nobody found it strange for me to want to know about her condition, which was driving me crazy. They told me she was still motionless as stone, not moving a muscle, not even a twinkle, I almost, almost gave up and went to check her for myself, but refrained myself, because that’s wasn’t how an Alpha should behave, and waited.

The clan didn’t make a fuss over the vampire in our territory, it was normal to have enemy imprison in our territory, so they acted normal to the fact that I had brought another one, only the Council, and some very important families members in the clan, were aware of who exactly was laying beneath us.

There was a discussion of what to do with her, some wanted to torture her to extract information, but I used my Alpha power and refused to let anyone lay a finger on her beautiful frame. Where were all the compliments coming from!

Damn it! I threw my head back hard on my executive chair; there was something really wrong with me, since I was thinking more and more about her. It was almost as if, I imprinted on her. No!

That wouldn’t be possible, I wouldn’t let that happen, it wasn’t natural! Remember Leila? That was different, she wasn’t a full wolf, her half witch part allowed her to imprint with a vampire. Are you sure…?

A small voice taunted me, I closed my eyes trying to dissipate my train of thoughts, and I could not allow that to happen in any circumstance. I cursed Leila for falling into the enemy’s arms, so what would that make me if I had per chance, committed the same crime.

A hypocrite, the answer came in a rush. Sighing, I remained in the same position, trying to put my mind blank, fill my heart with hate, that’s it, hate. Hate was my fuel, my mojo to endure the four past years, since Leila abandoned me on the altar.

“I need a whiskey.” I stated to myself, getting up, and going to my favorite place in this house, my personal bar.

When I was about to have a full glass of JD, I heard a light knock, rolling my eyes in exasperation, I grunted, “Come in.” Can’t I have a second of peace in this house?

“Oh my, aren’t we starting early today.” Malaika joked, with her sexy smile, leaning on the doorframe, as if she owned everything. Her sexy posture made me take a good look at her; she was without a doubt my kind of girl.

She was tall, strong, and sexy, plus, good in bed. Not to talk about her physical attributes: she had a Victoria Secret angel body, slender legs, flat belly, golden chocolate skin, full red lips, that did wonders to my body, I bit my lower lip lustful thinking about our last night together, that girl liked to play dirty.

Needless to enumerate her beautiful face, as beautiful as Jennifer…? The heck with Jennifer, I wasn’t comparing. They were like the sun and moon, totally different, where Jennifer hair’s was straight long—well, curly now— Malaika was short and red, with a trendy haircut style, which highlighted her sexy beauty.

Therefore, why didn’t my body tingle when she was near me, and my mind didn’t went wild, or my sense of protection didn’t kick out to this wonderful girl, she was every guy’s dream: sexy, easygoing, beautiful, and a werewolf like me, my kind. The one I was supposed to have the kind of feelings I was developing towards Jennifer.

See what I mean, I was even calling her Jennifer now, not Jennifer Grendel as I had always called her. That was my mind talking, so I could forget she was my enemy, and act as if it was okay to have inappropriate feelings over her. Who knows?

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