Chapter 3

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“Alpha, we have a problem.”

Miguel interrupted the Council meeting just like that, without knocking, announcing, nothing. Just came in like he was something special. That's what you get for praising the boy. And to think I liked him.

I counted to three before looking at him, because I was on the verge of doing something stupid, but when my eyes made ​​contact with him, I tensed. Something was wrong; I could feel in my gut.

“What’s wrong?” That was me, straight to the point.

“She-she, the vampire—

The kid didn’t even have time to finish the sentence. I could only think of Jennifer. Something happened to her.

“What!” That came out harder than I intended.

“She, she...” Miguel trembled.

He was making me more nervous, “what?”

“The vampire attacked Gabriel!” What? “He lost so much blood. I had never seen anything like it. She was out of control...”

She's fine, is she? I could not verbalize my question because Miguel seemed to be in space, his babbling was seriously worrying me now. His eyes were unfocused, as if he were somewhere else, more precisely in a horror movie. What could have happened to make a brave Sentinel as Miguel tremble like that?

“It was like she was crazy. She was-she was drinking from him, not just sinking her fangs, but drinking his blood. I know this sounds unbelievable, since she is a vampire and everyone knows what our blood causes to them, but she was fine, even stronger. If we waited one more second, she would have drained him dry.”

“What do you mean 'drain him dry'?”

Lucas, the former Alfa, rose from his chair and asked with Alpha attitude, although I was the current Alpha. Thanks to his runaway daughter, but still, I was the Alpha now, so the least he could do was wait for my session of questions to end, so that he could start his own.

“She almost killed him.”

Miguel attention was finally back to us.

“How so?”

This time I asked, I was Alpha, so I should be questioning. Lucas just shot me a look, understanding perfectly what my takeover of the situation meant, and sat down again.

Glad we understand each other.

“We had to drag him to pull him out of her cell. She was strong Alpha, very strong. Much more than four Sentinels united. Her strength was not normal, I've never seen anything like it, and I fought with my fair share of vampires to know their limitations. But this vampire in our underground prison, she is something else.”

What’s this kid is talking about?

“Could you elaborate your explanation Miguel, what really happened there, because frankly, I can’t understand anything.”

I demanded, when in reality, all I wanted was to do was run to Jennifer, and see with my eyes if she was okay. However, now I could not act like a fool again. I had duties to fulfill. And that consumed me inside. Best they had not laid a finger on her, if so...

An angry growl interrupted from me. My wolf was on the surface, if I wanted to stay Alfa, I had to begin to relax, or I would take Miguel’s head. Everyone's attention turned back to me, but I just threw them the look “is none of your business" and demanded Miguel to explain every detail of what actually happened.

From the story, it seemed that Gabriel, one of my Sentinels and the one that was close to being drained was feeding our prisoner, and out of nowhere, my Jennifer attacked him. Which I don’t believe, I knew Gabriel, and he was not exactly a nice person.

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