The Arrival

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(As the plan touched down in Japan.  the two friends where asleep had had no idea of the events that would take place in the weeks to come) when the plan stoped i was woken up my a more colorful James "hey Roland come on we are here!" I wake up still groggy and grab my suitcase " well lets get off then" we walk to the pickup area " ummm hey James do you know any Japanese?"  He looks at me with mixed feelings " you booked a trip and didn't even learn a little bit up the language!" I look around " there has to be someone who can translate for us" and just as i said it a woman walked up to us " i couldnt help but hear you two need a translator ?" We look at her  "well yes we could but we dont want to bother you ma'am" she looks at us and smiles "you two are so cute its no problem boys what do you two need?"  We look back at each other and James nods to a taxi that pulled up " well ma'am we need a place to say if you could help us with that we would be grateful"  she smiled more "well if thats the case guys you can come with me. my sisters and i run a inn"  we turn around and talk to ourselves "well i say we go for it whats the worse that can happen" I look back at her then to James " ok we will go with her and if it gets weird we leave ok" he nods and when we turn around another girl has shown up " Aiko who are thoes two are they robbing you" James looks at me worried " no no you have it wrong we are staying with you at the inn" she walks to me and looks up " ok then mister but im waching you"  she walks back to a car and Aiko walks to us "im sorry about that guys and well if you are staying with us i gess we need to getacquainted im Aiko and that was my sister Eiko" she sticks out her hand and we shake " well im Roland and that is James " we walk to her car and put our luggage in the trunk and she drives us to her inn

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