Intuitive Rationalism

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Alternating States

It occurred to me this morning some individuals might be wondering,
'What is the purpose of Intuitive Rationalism?'
After various considerations of a proper answer, I feel confident I have arrived at a sufficient reason for the existence of such a thing. By this nexus in our existence, we can find available in just about every corner, content informing us about the morbid conditions we find ourselves embedded within.
'You are being lied to'
'The truth is out there' (natch x-files)
'Religion is oppressive'
'Life is a dream'
'Its all just a game'
'You are a slave'
'We have all the answers'
'The government hates you'
'They're wrong!'
'No! You're wrong and we're right!'
The list is endless. For simplicity sake we'll cut the list off before it overtakes us. Most things contained on the 'truth list' are in fact true, most are propaganda. I leave the ability to differentiate between 'truth' and 'fiction' to you, kind reader. As it is not my place, nor my duty to make decisions regarding either, for you.
At the very least, I can inform you that,
there are more options than you previously thought concerning your life and the meaning contained therein.
The purpose of this page is simple, especially if you view it from the perspective of 'reviewing hitherto unknown options concerning an individuals chosen paths in life' .
When an individual chooses to set forth on an endeavor, what is the inciting moment?
Most times, an idea is the forerunner, inspired or otherwise. Other times, an inspiration from the unconscious will become the pillar of action. However the method is brought forth the will to action is imperative in the execution of a task.
The old saying goes, 'Mind over Matter'
The NEW WAY, which is more than just a saying, is,
'Between mind and matter is the potential for actualization, we shall call this the Intuitive Method.'
So now it is known, the Intuitive Method is the will to action between mind and matter. The bridge between knowledge and experience.
The task of Intuitive Rationalism is transforming this shadowy concept of Intuition into a rational understanding of what takes place within the realms of the unconscious/conscious minds.
Our reality is a constant feedback loop between inner and outer, above and below, good and evil, right and wrong and so on ad infinitum. It is the goal of Intuitive Rationalism to first thread these opposites together, then rise above them.
So it is in modern society, when an individual begins a quest for whatever purpose, they usually never move past the 'inception' stage. We could call these dreamers or talkers. For whatever reason, usually weak will, they find themselves unable to complete what they set out to do. The purpose of Intuitive Rationalism is to show individuals how to bring what lay dormant in the unconscious, that chaotic potentiality and summon it forth willfully into the Conscious World Order. Otherwise known as Objective Reality. This can be extremely difficult at first since most of humanity that creates objective reality remains in a dreamy unconscious walking sleep.
(The keep the unconscious in the shadows)
The time of change has arrived where the need to raise the misunderstood realms of the night mind to the clear daylight of consciousness is a necessary journey.
We will move from a world where individuals want everything via instant gratification, to a world where the small mindedness contained in that thought simulation is obsolete. Instant gratification involves attempting to move from point A to point C without the treading through of point B. In other words, they don't want to walk, they want to talk. In between all the alternating states mentioned above is the hidden path, available to all. Intuitive Rationalism is the foundation of that path. The bridge between opposites has arrived. Are you willing to take the will to action?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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