The Last Day

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It was the last day of school. I got off my bus and waited for my best friend, while listening to Move On by All American Rejects. I went over to my other friend Grace and asked her to hold some things so I could slip my Ipod into my pocket and put my dreaded lanyard around my neck. After I completed those two tasks, Grace handed my stuff back, and I walked into the middle of the courtyard to continue to wait.

My best friends' bus arrived, slowly comeing to a complete stop. The doors of the bus shifted open and I went to go wait on my friend to step out. That was until her friends other best friend Del cut her off from the bus. Del went and talked to My beloved friend for what seemed like forever, when finally I decided to step in.

I quickly slipped into the conversation. When Del stopped talking I said "Hey! What's up Caroll?" Caroll replied with "Hey Sam!! What is that in your hand?" "Oh, just a present for you Caroll!" I replied with a smile. "I'll give it to you in fourth period."

When the announcement was made that people should be in their fourth period, I sat in my usual seat, desk fourteen. Our teacher Ms. Smith handed out test papers since we had an exam in that class. She said when she started to pass out exams, there was to be no talking.

I started my exam, as well as twenty one other students. The whole class easily finished the exam in less than thirty minutes, and then watched The Lost Treasure 2 for the rest of class until lunch.

At around eleven I gave the present to Caroll, and she abnoxiously opened it. I told her she was the only one who was allowed to see this wrapped picture of us at the eighth grade dance. When Caroll stared at the photograph, I watched her reaction. My friend Megan wanted to see the picture but I denied her request.

When it was eleven fourty two, my class went to lunch and I sat next to Caroll. We had the usual lunch where she takes my food and I just sit there and stare at her while she does it. We talked about how we thought we looked bad in the picture I gave her, and reasured each other that we looked fine. When time was running out during lunch, I told her to meet me in the band hall after school so we could say our goodbyes, since we weren't going to the same school the following year.

Caroll walked with me to my seventh period. When I got to my class I asked my teacher Ms. Camp if eighth graders left ten minutes earlier because we are eighth graders and we have to say our goodbyes to friends. She didn't know so I went and sat down at my desk.

For our class we read our Greek Myths to the class. When it got to me, I got really nervous and went with the flow and summarized my myth. It was about how Hades(god of the Underworld) wanted something to protect the souls in the Underworld, so he asked Prometheus to make a three-headed dog creature to protect them.

After everone finished their myths, the rest of class was a movie. My friends and I decided to play hangman though. I often got distracted with Mel's board drawings and zoned off.

Ten minutes before the day was comeing to an end, the announcements came on telling students how great we were this year and they hope we have a great summer. Five minutes passed and eighth graders were released. Crowds of running people filled the hall, and ran down the stairs.

I saw Caroll at the end of the hall by the band room. I walked over to her and we talked for a couple of minutes. We went outside and said our goodbyes to our friends. We got to the point  where we just had to say bye to eachother. She hugged me, and I was being an idiotic human being and didn't hug her back.

I went to my bus and rode all the way home. A couple of hours later I texted Caroll a paragraph about how I was going to miss her. After this dreadful day happened, I ended up crying for almost an hour, after I said I wasn't going to. The rest of the day slowly passed, and I listened to music, which only made it worse. I kept thinking about Caroll, and how I need her. I sluggishly broke down throughout the night and it felt as if a peice of me had gone away. It all happened so fast I couldn't handle it. I broke down.

I wasn't ready for this day to come, and I never would have been. Things just happen so quickly, and you have no control of what happens. I just remember the good memories, and fight to keep what I need. And I will fight to keep the best friend I have ever had.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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