54 7 3

{Wren and Josh's exchange}

Wren: *punches*

Josh: *weird whale noises of pain*


Wren: *kisses* come in.

Nice house

I hate it.

Me too. I hate ours now, if only you'd come home, then it would be better.

It wouldn't be safe

The world is a dangerous place

My dad might try and kill me

Then he can kill me too, and we would be together forever

My mom is horrible, but shes not crazy

Mom: wow wren is this your beau! Hello sweetie would you like some wine, some pomegranate jelly?

I beg to differ

Im sorry?

No thank you ma'am

Ok. Well no kissing, we don't need too much romance

How soon can we leave

As soon as my jaw is fixed

Yeah sorry about that

Where did that come from

10 years of karate baby

Teach me?

Just don't use it on anybody at school

Never mind then

Can we leave now?



And so we left

hahaha I feel like this is confusing and im really bad at this bye


Ps sorry for spamming alyssa

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