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Species/Race Name: Elf


Aquatic Elves-Aquatic elves are also known as sea elves. They live beneath the waves of Faerûn and can breathe water as easily as their cousins on land breathe air. They can also breathe air but for a very short period of time.

Winged Elves- The avariel are very rare in Faerûn, since they have been hunted nearly to extinction by various dragons. Avariel remain in any number in only one place—the Aerie of the Snow Eagles, a secluded mountain home in the north. The avariel make their homes in open areas, and take immense joy in flying. They absolutely abhor and detest being inside, underground, or otherwise restricted from the open sky. The avariel are known for their fierce Clerical tradition, as devout worshippers of the Seldarine sky goddess Aerdrie Faenya.

Drow-Once known only as dark elves, one of their greatest kingdoms was Illythiir. They were transformed into drow and banished to the Underdark when their matron goddess broke from the primary elven pantheon. Of all the elves they are the only ones that are inherently evil and hate their cousins with an undying passion. They are smaller than their cousins, both shorter and thinner. In addition, their skin resembles polished obsidian, and their hair is snow-white or silver. Their eyes are almost inevitably red, gleaming with the hatred for their surface dwelling cousins.

Moon Elves- Once known only as dark elves, one of their greatest kingdoms was Illythiir. They were transformed into drow and banished to the when their matron goddess broke from the primary elven pantheon. Of all the elves they are the only ones that are inherently evil and hate their cousins with an undying passion. They are smaller than their cousins, both shorter and thinner. In addition, their skin resembles polished obsidian, and their hair is snow-white or silver. Their eyes are almost inevitably red, gleaming with the hatred for their surface dwelling cousins.

Sun Elves- Sun elves are primarily found upon the island of and because of this, they are less common across the rest of Faerûn. With bronze colored skin; gold, black, or green eyes; and gold, blond, black, or (rarely) red hair, they are also called gold elves. Sun elves are less physically fit, but more intellectually advanced, than their counterparts. Sun elves are the primary practitioners of elven High Magic, and are among the greatest magic-users of Toril, both arcane and divine.

Wood elves-Wood elves are a reclusive subrace, preferring to live in such areas as the . They place more emphasis on strength than learning. Wood elves are considered by other elven subraces (particularly the austere sun elves) to be boisterous and hedonistic. They have a zest for life and pleasure. According to , wood elves are the only elven subrace that is native to Toril. They slowly formed for centuries from some of the other elven subraces after the last Crown War. They see their realms as the natural successors to past nations such as Eaerlann and .

Half Elves- Half-elves are the offspring of and elves. They look like elves to humans and like humans to elves. Half-Elves have curiosity and ambitions like humans but they have sense for magic and love for nature like their elven parents. Their skin is paler than human skin and they are taller and bigger than elves. Half-Elves have long ears like elves. They live about 180 years.

All Elves are usually around 5-6 feet tall, their usual weight can be around 60-80 Kg, All elves (Except Half-Elves) Live up to 750 years and to be classified as an adult you had to be 200. Most Elves are built for agility and archery so they are Ectomorph an Mesomorph and that's for most elves.

They Live on a Fantasy like planet named Aglorend, which is home to Dwarves, Humans, Elves, Gnomes, Orcs, and so on.


Most Species Like and Don't like Elves:

Dwarves find them Untrustable and selfish but they are a great ally once they settle their differences.

Humans Find them Mysterious but they know they mean well, they are just following the God/Goddess they follow, but they are expert Archers and hunters, which make them great allies especially in a fight.

Gnomes find them Different, though they are so similar, Gnomes focus on technology and science while Elves are still using wooden bows and Magic.

System of Power

Their System of power works like a Monarchy but there's only the King and an Order, which consists of (Highest Power to Lowest Power)


The Priestess

The King

Leader of Defence and Offence

Leader of Scouts


The Priestess has a Unique Power of using the power of the God/Goddess they believe in, which makes them have a higher power than the King.

The king is the Ruler but does get commanded by the Priestess, because He only has the Magic of regular Elves.

Leader of Defence and Offence is the one who are the leaders of the Army

Leaders of Scouts is the one who takes care of kingdom and the people in it.

The Only problem is that all Elven kingdoms and towns have this same system.

Values: They Don't have a good Social Value unless they are adventurers or Rogues who get out of the kingdoms and actually make conversations with other races.

Religions: Certain Subraces have certain Religions

Sun Elves- Pelor- God of Sun, Agriculture and time

Moon Elves-Sehanine- Godess of Illusion, Love and the Moon.

Drow Elves- Lolth- Goddess of Shadows and Lies

Wood Elves and Aquatic Elves- Melora- Goddess of Wilderness, Nature and Sea.

Winged Elves- None-

Half elves-Any-

They Don't resign in Technology but they preform in Magic instead which every elf has so its equal.


The Annual Hunt- it's a Massive hunt that everyone can participate in and it goes on for 10 days. The one with the most meat wins. They cannot come back to the Kingdom until those 10 days are up and after those 10 Days they have a Feast with everything they have gathered and hunted.

1Cerisewood Hope its ok

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