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There is smut in this chapter kinda..?

After a long and kinda awkward hug, Richie slowly pulled away. He went to a window and opened it. He rolled a joint, lightened it and took a puff of it while Eddie just stayed quiet, standing there playing with his hair looking down.

"That was very gay"
Eddie said finally breaking the silence.

"Says the one who is wearing a skirt" Richie chuckled

"That's not because I'm wearing a skirt that I'm necessarily gay" Eddie rolled his eyes

"You sure about that ?"
Richie said before blowing smoke through the window

"I mean.. Yeah maybe I'm gay but- You do drugs ???"

"That's not drug, that's just weed" Richie giggled

"Weed is drug you dumbass" Eddie walked to Richie and grabbed the joint from his fingers. He frowned looking at it and finally took a puff of it.

Richie looked at him with wide eyes and took the joint back
"Hey that's not good for you Ed's" Richie said frowning as the small boy started coughing

"Wow fuck it feels weird but that's cool I like it"
Eddie said coughing smoke while Richie softly patted his back giggling.

He calmed down after a few seconds and looked up at the curly haired boy who still had his hand on his back, softly rubbing it.

"Where did you go after middle school?"
Eddie asked

"I moved with my grandma because I had problems with my parents and since she lived in a very lost place I had to be homeschooled"
Richie said before taking a last puff of the joint. He threw it through the window and closed it.

"But why are you here now and why don't I see you at school ?"

"My grandmother died so I have to live with my parents again and I don't go to school anymore, I just stay here all days"

"That must be really cool"
Eddie said walking around looking at the decorations and weird stuff there was in it.

"Well actually it's getting pretty boring.. All my friends are at school so I'm alone most of the time..."

Eddie exclaimed which made Richie giggle

"Oh yeah by the way make yourself at home, there is beers in it if you want"

Eddie grabbed two beers and handed one to Richie.

He tried to open his but failed
"Ugh... Fuck it's too hard!"
He said trying to remove the bottle cap.

"You know what else is hard ?" Richie said smirking

"the rock I'm about to hit you with if you don't help me opening this fucking beer ?" Eddie said still trying to remove the bottle cap off his beer.

"Hey calm down princess, just give it to me"
Richie said calmly.

Eddie gave him his beer and sat on the couch. Richie grabbed his knife and took off the bottle cap with it.
He gave it back to Eddie and sat next to him.

"Whatcha say Ed's?"
Richie said smirking at the small boy before taking a sip of his beer

"Thank youu"
Eddie said rolling his eyes hiding a smile.

They talked for hours and didn't see the time skip. They were now both pretty high and drunk. They didn't even notice it was all dark outside and we could hear the owls hooting.

Eddie looked at Richie in shock
"8 inches ????"

"Yeah, wanna see?" Richie smirked wiggling his eyebrows

Eddie nodded in response and Richie unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants along with his boxers down showing him his huge erected member.

"Oh, looks like I'm hard.."
He giggled.

Eddie looked at Richie's dick with wide eyes and bit his lip. He got up and walked to him licking his lips.

Richie jolted up a little bit when he saw Eddie kneeling down between his legs

"I- what are you doing?"
He asked nervously

"I'm just playing.." he said as he tried to put his pants back on but Eddies hand stopped him.

"lt's fine" Eddie said laughing
"Just let me play a little bit" he said pouting then started to giggle after.

"You're drunk, Eddie" Richie sighed anxiously as Eddie started to rub at his thigh.

He looked up at Richie smirking and slowly wrapped his glossy lips around his length which made Richie gasp.

"Fuck Ed's.. Stop.." Richie moaned. Of course he didn't want him to stop. The feeling of Eddie's soft and wet lips around his cock was amazing. But Eddie was drunk. He wasn't thinking and Richie knew Eddie would regret it later.

He then tried to pull Eddie off his dick by pulling his hair but it just made him grip his thighs harder and hum which sent vibrations to Richie's body.

A loud moan escaped his lips and he bucked his hips, making Eddie gag.
He pulled away quickly and started coughing loudly.

"Sh-shit I'm sorry Ed's"
Richie took advantage of the situation to pull up his boxers and pants and picked Eddie up.

He sat him on the couch and grabbed a water bottle next to him making Eddie drink it. Once Eddie finished the bottle Richie threw it in the bin and wiped the water off Eddies lips and chin with his shirt.

"Richiiiie why don't you let me suck your dick??" Eddie whined like a baby

"Because you're drunk Eddie, you don't know what you're doing and you're gonna regret it"

"But pleaaaaase I wanna blow youuu" The small boy kept whining.

"Shh Eddie just go to sleep"
The curly haired boy said with a calming voice while stroking his light brown hair.

Eddie paused and looked at Richie with wide eyes.
"Fuck." He said before throwing up all over Richie's shirt.

"Holy shit!" The taller boy screamed. He immediately took his shirt off and threw it on the floor while Eddie started crying for no reason.

Richie helped Eddie to clean his mouth and sat him back on the couch.

"Shhh it's okay Eddie"
Richie whispered rubbing his back slowly to calm him down. Eddie snuggled up against his chest and sniffled. Richie looked down at him slightly smiling and wrapped his arms around Eddie's little frame.

He stroked his hair while quietly humming a song before they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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