Ch. 34// The Star Saber

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-If you are going to rise, you might as well shine.-



"Found it!"

Amy yelled out loud, checking from the alien world-wide website the picture which had just been downloaded. The picture, where Smokescreen and Bumblebee stand all straight, directly looking at the camera. It was an accident, when Smokescreen had been pissed to one human-driver, and Bumblebee tried to instruct him.

"Old road rage didn't waste any time posting your mug shots." Jack scoffed beside Amy. "Raf will scrub this as soon as he's back from house hunting."

Two days ago, Silas had somehow smuggled his way into the Nemesis inside Breakdown's broken body. He had somehow been abled to save from the explosion when Optimus broke the Nemesis Prime itself and during the explosion Silas himself got injured, Megatron had given him somekind of chance. But that wasn't all, since from the space were directly pointed somekind of plasma-thing towards the ground, the power was so great that the Earth crumbled.

Even to Amy's house.

But the problem had been solved since she asked for bridge, and everyone seemed to be okay. The reason she was at home, was that Julia took her into ultra-sound, the results were positive as June was their nurse. It would seem after everything that has happened, the babies seemed to be more than fine. And it was good news for Optimus also.

"Is this what you learned while serving Alpha Trion!?" Ratchet questioned, interrupting Amy's thoughts. "I highly doubt that he would have condoned such irresponsible behaviour."

"Guys.." Amy sighed, hating the fact that they were too hard on Smokescreen. "It's just one time, he hadn't been told and he gets it."

"Blowing your cover is not okay, and you know it also Amy." Arcee pointed out, watching as Amy crossed her arms.


"Sorry, guys.. I know I really messed up." Smokescreen sighed.

"While Ratchet and Arcee are correct, I believe that Amy's opinion is also noted, we all are equally responsible for this incident." Optimus revealed himself, well his mood certainly had been high since the news that their children are fine and growing up. Now, when there was only two-and-half months to go.

"Us?" Arcee asked.

"How?" Ratchet demanded.

"We weren't even there." Bulkhead added, until Bumblebee beeped something in response. "Well.. Bee was." Bumblebee hit carefully Bulkhead's chest as if 'shut up'.

"Our recent efforts have been so intensely focused on averting crises that we have overlooked simple matters, such as teaching Smokescreen how to best function on this planet. It is an oversight that must be corrected." Optimus said.

"Optimus, I'm honored to train under you and will do whatever it takes to make things right, to make you proud." Amy yet again couldn't understand Smokescreen words.

Why you keep him as your King of somehow?

"Perhaps the best way for you to learn about the human world, is from a human." Optimus added, having Amy and Jack exhange looks again.

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