Chapter 17

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Firestorm felt his blood go cold, he was staring straight into the red eyes of a silver tabby shecat. Blood was dripping from her muzzle and she was standing over the limp form of Lioneye. The shecat's eyes were red as blood and blazed with an unnatural  hate.
"I should have know I would run into you first... fire ninja." Her voice was deep and raspy, and sent a chill through Firestorm.
"Over Lord!" He shouted, flames sparking to life at his paws.
"Firestorm, What is the meaning of this?!" Rowanstar came crashing through the brambles. His eyes darted from Firestorm, to Lioneye, and the Over Lord possessed shecat.
"We have to fight!" Firestorm spat. "Stop hiding in the bodies of other cats you coward!"
"Oh, you wouldn't dare attack me. Your warrior code won't allow it," The Over Lord sneered. "That's why I chose this body, she's expecting kits."
"You... you did..." it was Rowanstar who spoke, his voice quaking.
"Yes, your pathetic warrior honor will be your down fall," The Over Lord cackled. Like a flash of lightning he struck out with his claws, slashing them across Rowanstar's throat. Blood oozed from the cuts, the dark ginger tom staggered back.
"Rowanstar!" Firestorm shouted. He crouched over the leader's twitching body. Glancing at the wound Firestorm saw that Rowanstar's wind pipe and jugular had been slashed horribly; not even Star Clan's healers could could repair the damage.
"No. Shadow Clan needs you Rowanstar..." Firestorm bent closer and groomed his dying leader's fur.
"Let his death stand as a message to all of you."The Over Lord hissed in Firestorm's ear.
"You'll pay for this. I'll kill you myself if I have to!" He hissed. The Over Lord's mouth stretched wide in a sadistic smile.
"You can try," the Over Lord was interrupted by Tawnypelt who burst from the under growth.
"Rowanstar?!" She cried.
"It was him!" Firestorm shouted, jumping to his paws and hissing.
"Leave our territory!" Tawnypelt yowled, unsheathing her claws and curling her lip.
"Where is Sky Clan?!" The Over Lord growled.
"Don't tell him! He's after Zanefrost!" Firestorm growled, and Tawnypelt turned to him her eyes wide.
"Fine if you won't say, I'll find it myself." The Over Lord hissed before slipping into a clump of ferns.
"I have to worn them," Firestorm wheeled around, without waiting for Tawnypelt to answer. He hurtled through the under growth. He burst through the Sky Clan camp entrance knocking a brown and white tabby off his paws. Firestorm leapt over Zanefrost's kits who were play fighting by the nursery.
"Firestorm!" Bellaleaf cried, her eyes wide.
"Where's Zanefrost?" Firestorm huffed, his chest heaving.
"I'm here Firestorm. What's happened," Zanefrost asked touching his nose to his friend's shoulder.
"Rowanstar's dead! The Over Lord killed him, and he's coming after you!" Firestorm was struggling to breath now his lungs working over time.
"And you lead me right to them!" The Over Lord's voice came from the camp entrance.
"Kits!" Bellaleaf wailed, Birchkit, Falconkit, Ninjakit we're frozen where they were eyes wide with terror.
"Kits, listen to your mother! Dolphinkit, Orcakit, Otterkit you too!" Zanefrost ordered, racing across the camp to block the kits from the Over Lord. "Don't just stand there! Run!" The three kits scrambled to their paws.
"You seem protective of those brats," The Over Lord hissed his eyes glinting devilishly.
"I see you're still possessing the bodies of innocent bystanders." Zanefrost growled, "I didn't know you would go so far as to take the body of a Shecat."
"Anything to get my revenge!" Sneered The Over Lord. "Your new found warrior honor will be your undoing,"
"You've taken over an expecting shecat," Zanefrost's voice was full of terror.
"Why don't I let you speak to her?" His eyes flashed from red to to blue. And a shecat spoke.
"Please find my sister! Warn her! Tell her to take care of my kit!" The shecat wailed.
"Who is she? I'll tell her," Zanefrost stepped closer to the shecat.
"Alari, she's with Thunder Clan," She murmured, her eyes flashing back to red.
"I'll see you soon," The Over Lord's voice returned, and he pushed his way back through the camp wall.
"Bellaleaf, don't let the kits out of your sight." Zanefrost mewed.
"Is that Pineheart?!" Bellaleaf gasped. Zanefrost turned and Firestorm curled his lip.
"He's got two otters with him." He growled.
"It's okay there friendly." Pineheart mewed.
"Who are you?" Dolphinkit squeaked poking her head out from the nursery.
"This is you father. It's okay you three can come on out," Bellaleaf cooed.
"No Zanefrost is our father!" Otterkit protested an indignant pout on her face.
"You left them before they could remember you?" Asked the older otter.
"Shell, he had to." The younger one soothed.
"Kits, this is Shell, she's the otter that razed your mother." Pineheart mewed.
"Hi, Little ones. I'm Doon, I was Clearpool's sister." The younger otter said crouching down to the three kits.
"I should go," Firestorm said, turning to Zanefrost.
"Yes, You should go morn for your leader. Your clan needs you." Zanefrost replied a troubled light in his eyes.

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