Chapter 18

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"Hey, Breezestripe. Can you bring Alari something from the fresh kill pile?" Alderheart Asked.
"Sure," Breezestripe replied, slipping out of the dirt place tunnel. He padded over to the fresh kill pile and hooked hiss fangs on a Sparrow.
"Thank you Breezestripe!" Alari mewed. "Rosy let go of your sister's ear." She snapped, pulling the two kits apart.
"Those two seem to be recovering well." Breezestripe meowed, Alari Let out an exasperated sigh.
"I didn't think it would be like this. I'd feel a lot better if my sister was here. She was always good with kits." She mewed wistfully.
"Did she have kits of her own?" Breezestripe Asked, as Rosy jumped out of the nest and on to his tail tip.
"No, but she liked to watch other shecat's kits." Alari replied, pulling Rosy back in to the nest.
"But I want to play!" Rosy whined, swatting at her mother's muzzle with one soft paw.
"Yeah, Breezestripe, can you play with us?" Iris asked, pouncing out of the nest and stumbling on her paws.
"Iris, Breezestripe is a warrior, he has things to do," Alari soothed, giving both kits a lick on the ears.
"It's okay, I just got back from patrol so I can watch them, and maybe Goldblaze can help out too." Breezestripe said. "Come on kits I'll show you the camp."
"Yay!" Rosy and Iris cheered jumping from the nest once more.
"Hey Goldblaze, wanta help me show these kits around?" Breezestripe Asked padding over to the gold tabby. Goldblaze looked up from the thrush he was eating.
"I'm eating," he pointed out, "go ask Lightwhisker."
"Your loss Chosen One," Breezestripe teased, padding up to the elder's den.
"Oh hey little ones, have you come to take care of our ticks?" Millie asked, "can feel one right between my shoulders,"
"Sorry, I think Jayfeather is sending Hollytuft to take care of that," Breezestripe purred with amusement. "I'm here for Lightwhisker,"
"What do you need me for?" Lightwhisker asked, drawing himself up into a sitting position.
"I was going to have Goldblaze Help me, but he's eating, and I've barely seen you Sense I got here." Breezestripe said shifting on his paws as Rosy and Iris chased each other around him.
"Why don't you just leave them here?" Greystripe asked, "we can tell them stories, Clan kits always enjoy old cat rambling."
"But Alari asked me to watch them," Breezestripe protested, but he yelped when Rosy sunk her tiny teeth into the end of his tail.
"Chase me Breezestripe!" Rosy cheered, leaping into the air and dashing behind Millie and Greystripe.
"I'm sure I won't be doing that." Breezestripe said flatly.
"Don't worry, we'll keep an eye on them." Greystripe said, swiping a paw over both kit's ears. "Take this time to get to know their mother." He added knowingly. Breezestripe felt his face heat up, as the three elders stared at him, smirking.
"Fine, but if anything happens to them, Alari will have all our heads." Breezestripe complied.
"Don't worry, we know a thing or two about kits," Millie said, "besides, I've spoken to their mother, that shecat wouldn't hurt a fly," She teased.
"Now kits, let me tell you about our journey to the lake..." Greystripe's voice trailed away as Breezestripe made his way back to the medicine den. The heat was still under his fur, and made him feel uncomfortable.
"How did the kits like camp?" Alari Asked from her nest.
"We got to the elder's den and they got roped into one of Greystripe's long winded stories." Breezestripe said, "how are your legs?" Alari looked down.
"Jayfeather says I shouldn't be walking, but he's sure I won't lose the use of them like Briaight," Alari didn't sound confident herself. "Apparently when I hit my head it affected the muscles in my legs."
"How long until her back on your paws?" Breezestripe couldn't stop looking into her eyes, and their comforting blue depths.
"I hope soon, these exorcizes Jayfeather is having me do are keeping me from getting stiff at least," she muttered, then she looked eyes with him. "You're so kind, Breezestripe." Alari's voice was like sweet bird song. "You saved me and my kits, and now you're helping look after us." She was drawing closer to him. Breezestripe's brain seemed to have stopped working; she was a whisker away now. Alari pressed her muzzle into his flank. Abort, abort! His mind was screaming and his heart was pounding. Was this what he wanted? Maybe; but he hadn't been expecting Alari to want it too.

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