Chapter 2

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After the Detectives left. I sat on the couch to wait for Brendan to come home. I see headlights and moments later Brendan walks in the room. " hey . babe how'd it go what did they say." I asked we were hoping this scan would show some progress in healing some of the damage to his brain. Before the accident Brendan was one of the smartest men I knew , he was top of his class in highschool and college he was a computer engineer in the marines. But now even the simplest of things is hard for him to figure out and he is always so confused. ." they said it was getting better but only little. They said i won't ever go back to normal I will always be this stupid." he said his head down and I could see tears forming in his eyes. "Oh baby.. You are not stupid. You take longer to figure some things out but you will get better." he shook his he ."no it won't I should have been the one who died not Joelene." I gasped" Don't say that...I don't know why God took our little girl and I don't know why he made you this way . But I do know that I love you and will stand by you every step of the way." he just stared at his feet and changed the subject. " you know that girl who went missing last week." I nodded " well they found her car in David's junk yard. They think he killed her and that I helped him." I had tears forming now as I looked at him he was so scared." I know detectives came by today looking for you." as if on cue I heard a knock on the door. As I opened it i saw the same detectives waiting." Can I help you." " Is your husband home mam." I nodded and stepped aside. And they filed in." Brendan Darcy. You are being taken into questioning. He looked at me quickly with fear in his eyes. " its okay just go with the officers and I'll be there when you get there." he nodded and followed the officers.I grabbed my purse and keys and ran to the truck.

When I got to the station I noticed that the detectives car was already in the parkinglot. I grabbed my things and hurried inside. I walked to the front desk. " My husband was just brought in for questioning. I was told I could be with him. His name is Brendan Darcy." I said " mam you can't go in the room unless he is under the age of 16 and in this case he is not. So I will let you know when he is done." I was mad now "My husband has sever brain damage you can not question him without someone present." the lady just ignored me so I went to go sit down. I was steaming.

It wasn't until after 5 and a half hours later when a door opened and Brendan was being lead out in handcuffs. " What is going on. Are you arresting him." Brendan was Completly stoned face. As Det. Baker told me " Mam your husband just confessed to murder and rape. He will remain in our custody till his bail hearing tomorrow." I was absolutely furious with these people they coursed the man I love into a confession. " that is ridiculous. " " Kate they lied they said i could go home." he yells to me as they lead him off. " Don't say another word alright Brendan I love you."

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