Cronkri ~3~

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Kankri stood in his hive holding the small package that had been on his door step. He assumed it was from Porrim given that it felt like clothing, but she hadn't made him anything in a long time, so it was a bit unusual. He opened the paper and slipped off his shirt quickly sliding on the one from the package.

"What the hell is she doing?" He asked. He pulled the silky violet panties out of the package and watched the little note flutter to floor. He ignored it as he walked further back in his hive. He pulled the panties on just to see if they fit. It didn't really bother him to wear things like this, but it was rare for Porrim to make him anything that wasn't red. He pulled the shirt out slightly noting that it was kind of baggy in the front, but the arms felt like they didn't fit quite right. They felt tight when he moved his arms out straight.

"Hey chief, I-" Cronus stopped short as he entered the room. Kankri hadn't heard the front door open and the shriek that slipped passed his lips was more than just embarrassing. Cronus spun on his heels to face the other direction; he was a few steps away from Kankri as he covered his crotch with his hands. "Sorry," Cronus said, "I think your shirt might be on backwards though chief."

"It's fine. Just make sure you knock next time," Kankri said. He quickly pulled his arms into the shirt so he could turn it around and paused to stare at the front of the white shirt. His face started to feel hot as he stared at the two violet waves realizing slowly just what Cronus had gotten an eyeful of. Kankri bit his lips as Cronus leaned down to grab the note that had been in the package off the floor.

"So, um, were you uh waiting for me or somethin'?" Cronus asked. Kankri flushed all over as Cronus glanced at him over his shoulder.

"Why in hell would I have been waiting for you?" Kankri asked. Cronus turned his attention back to the note reading it quickly.

You need to get laid.


"Hey chief." Kankri was fumbling with his pants as Cronus turned around to glance him over one more time, "I think I found somethin' you'd be interested in."

"Turn back around!" Kankri snapped a bit trying to turn his pants right side out.

"Okay, okay," Cronus said. He spun on his heels again and held the note over his shoulder, "but you should look at this."

"Fine," Kankri said. He snagged the note from Cronus's hand. Cronus looked over his shoulder again to get a glimpse of Kankri's face. He might not actually get laid out of this, but Kankri's face was definitely worth handing him the card. Kankri's skin looked like it was steaming, but what Cronus really took note of was the way the shirt fell loosely off his shoulders. He wasn't wearing just any shirt with his symbol on it, it was Cronus's shirt. Cronus felt his bulge wriggle in his jeans. He trailed his eyes up to Kankri's face and stopped all his thoughts.

"Listen, I'll leave so you can change," Cronus muttered. He was desperate, but he wasn't about to do anything to Kankri when he looked that shocked. He turned and took a few steps towards the door before Kankri spoke up.

"Wait," Kankri said. He played with the hem of the shirt a bit noticing the slightly frayed stitching. Cronus stopped and glanced back at him Kankri, "maybe, the note is right."

"Are you serious?" Cronus looked at Kankri skeptically as he played with the hem of Cronus's shirt bashfully. He didn't look like he was toying with Cronus, but he didn't want Kankri to agree to something he didn't want either.

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