PidgeXReader: Slow Dance With You

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Song is Slow Dance With You sung by Marceline from Adventure Time

You were in the green lion's hangar hanging out with the green lion. You weren't a paladin, but you had always admired the majestic creatures, especially the green one; You had always felt an attraction to the it. You had just gravitated towards it and enjoyed it's peaceful and serene yet, adventurous aura. Because of this, you had also become quite acquaintance with its paladin, Pidge.

When you had found out Pidge was actually a girl, you were a little shocked, even though you had your suspicions. None the less, it didn't change your relationship with her. If anything, it brought you even closer.

You had always admired Pidge's intelligence and adventurous spirit. And her way with technology was amazing! She was a quirky dork and it was adorable. Although she seemed quite delicate, she's still fierce and bold and can fight amazingly. Eventually, your feelings of admiration had grown much more than that, but you hadn't realized it.

You were currently sitting on the green lion's paw as you leaned up against it. You closed your eyes as you slipped into a state of serenity. In your tranquil, untroubled state, you started singing a song.

Slow dance with you
I just wanna slow dance with you
I know all the other boys are tough and smooth
And I got the the blues
I wanna
Slow dance with you

You had been too into the song and hadn't heard the hangar doors slide open. Pidge walked inside just as you were beginning the song and honestly, she was captivated by your voice.

She walked to her desk to get closer to you and to get a better look. She took in your body peacefully sitting on the green lion's paw swaying side to side to the beat of the song. Pidge couldn't believe how good you were at singing. Your soft, smooth voice gentle carried the melody like a breeze. It drifted into her ears and your sweet, velvety voice coated her mind like honey.

You opened your eyes to see Pidge standing next to her desk. A small smile formed on your lips as you sang, and you slid down from the lion's paw. You walked over to her at an even pace, not even noticing how your footsteps fell in time with the song.

You reached Pidge and took her hand, pulling away from her desk and more into the open area. You took both her delicate hands in yours as you prepared her for what was to come, but Pidge got the implication and declined.

"Oh, no, I can't dance," She meekly said.
You gave her a sweet smile, "It's okay, just let your body move freely and fluidly."
"No, It's like I have two left feet," She opposed, "Trust me, I know from experience."
"Then I'll just have to teach you," You replied.
"Seriously, I-"
"Just let me try."

You placed her hands on your shoulders and continued the song.

I wanna slow dance with you

You placed your hands on her hips.

I just wanna slow dance with you

You started slowly swaying side to side to the beat of the song.

Why don't you take the chance I've got the moves
I'd like to prove
I wanna
Slow dance with you.

You smiled at Pidge as she looked at you with wonder in her eyes and red on her cheeks.

You hummed the instrumental part of the song as you led her across the hangar floor. You both glided across the floor gracefully and elegantly. Pidge kept looking down at her feet trying to make sure she didn't trip as you danced

Once you started the next verse, you reached your original spot and swayed side to side again. This time when you sung, Pidge quietly echoed your words.

I wanna slow dance with you (slow dance)
I just wanna slow dance with you (slow dance)
Why don't you take the chance I've got the moves
I'd like to prove
I wanna
(both) Slow dance with you.

As you finished the song you looked at Pidge with a smile, who returned it with a bashful smile of her own.

"See, it wasn't that bad," You said.
"Yeah, I guess you're right," She smiled.

The way her caramel eyes sparkled behind her glasses, and that adorkable lop-sided smile topped off with the pink dusted across her cheeks was enough for you to realize that, your admiration had blossomed into something more. Something that made you feel warm and fuzzy when you were around her, something that made you want to always be there for her and be by her side.

With the daze of the dance casted over you, you quickly came to terms with this new feeling and made a risky decision.

You took one hand off Pidge's hips and placed it under her chin. You tilted her head up to look at you as you stepped closer to her.

"Hey Pidge, can I teach you something else?" You asked.
She gulped, "Sure, what is it?" She wondered.

You closed your eyes and leaned your head in. Your lips hovered above hers, just barely brushing them. Then suddenly, the hangar doors slid open and Lance barged in.

"Hey Pidge can you fix the- OH MY GOSH WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING??!?!" He shouted.

You and Pidge broke apart, cheeks flushed with embarrassment, although, you handled it better than Pidge.

"I- um- we were-" Pidge nervously stuttered.
"I was just about to show her how Allura thinks of you," You answered.
"Really!?!" Lance exclaimed, eyes lighting up.
You walked by him and chuckled, "Nah, but keep dreamin', man. Don't fall too fast."

You reassuringly patted his shoulder.

"Welp, I'm gonna go see if Coran needs any help repairing the ship, see you guys around!" You cheerfully said, acting as if nothing happened.

You slowly walked out of the Green Lion's Hangar and as Pidge fixed the object Lance had broken, you heard her quietly humming the song while she worked. A small smile found it's way to your lips as you exited the hangar.

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