KeithXReader: Prove It

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You were heading to Keith's room to ask him about something. But when you reached his room, you saw Lance coming out of it. You were curious and peeked into the room to see Keith smiling in there. You suddenly had an idea to tease your emo leader.

You slipped into the room with a devious smile on your face.

"Heyyy Keeeith~" You sang.

He was a little surprised by your sudden appearance, but tried not to show it.

"Hey, (Y/n), what's up?" Keith cooly asked.
"What were you smiling about?" You chimed, suddenly popping your face up close to his.

Your (e/c) eyes locked onto his blue-grey ones, and he quickly glanced away as his cheeks flushed red.

"W-what are you talking about?" He inquired.
"Oh I think you know what I mean. I saw you smiling at Lance just a few ticks ago~" You smirked while raising your brows suggestively.
"I have no idea what you mean. I smile all the time," Keith replied.

You deadpanned and stared him right in the eyes as you raised one eyebrow.

"Really?" You slowly walked around him. "If I didn't know any better, It almost seems as if you're gay for Lance." You leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "Is that true?"

Keith immediately tensed up and stepped away from you.

"What? No! I'm not gay!" He angrily exclaimed, his cheeks flushing even more.

Little did you know, the blush was not from embarrassment, but from being so close to you.

You shrugged and looked up at him.

"I mean, denial is always the first phase," You said more to yourself than him.
"Why would you even think I would be gay for some flirty dude like him?" Keith inquired.
You placed your hand on your hip, "Dude, it's so obvious. It's like black on white. Seriously. You need to tone down the gay."
"I told you I'm not gay!" Keith snapped.
"Are you sure? You're looks towards Lance seem to prove otherwise~" You teased.
"Listen, Lance would be the absolutely last person I'd be gay for -And for the record, I'm straight," Keith huffed.

Your eyes lit up, and you stepped in front of Keith, putting your face right in front of his.

"Oh, so you're implying that you're gay, just not for Lance?" You placed your hand on your chin in a thinking position. "Then you must be gay for Shiro. You were obsessed with saving him, and he's so good looking! He has a nice build, and his face is so handsome! Not to mention how nice and courageous he is."

"Gosh! I'm not gay!!" Keith exclaimed before storming out of his room.

You chuckled, a devious smile on your face. Boy, that was fun, let's see how long you can go before Keith slices your head off. You pranced out into the castle, waiting for another time to tease him.

• • •

You were in the kitchen looking for some food when you heard footsteps approaching. You turned around to see Keith walking into the room. When your eyes met, your face instantly lit up while his dropped. He immediately turned on his heels and was about to leave, but you stopped him.

You rushed over and grabbed his hand.

"Keith! Wait!" You pleaded.

He turned around, his face unamused but his eyebrow was raised, prompting you to continue.

"Keith, I wanted to apologize..." You said in a meek voice, dropping his hand. The tone of voice was alien to you, but it was all the while necessary.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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