chapter 9

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(Clarks pov)
I woke up to the sound of my mother knocking on my door and the sun shining bright through the curtains attacking my eyes. Mom: honey it's time to get up. I groaned and rolled over sitting up in bed and rubbing my eyes. I looked over and saw my phone light up. Who the hell is texting me this early. I grabbed my phone and saw the text was from lilly and I suddenly feel a little better that it's from her. I look at the text.
"Umm sorry I know it's really early but I do this every morning but good morning and I hope you have a good day today:)"
All I could do was smile at the text and I got up with a sudden urge of energy to want to go to school. I texted back.
It's cool but thanks for the good morning text I also hope you have a good day today;).
I sent the text and looked at the time and got up and when to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and brushed my hair and put on my uniform. I got my bookbag and put my phone in my back pocket and out my head phones inside my book bag. I ran downstairs to tommy eating and my mom finishing cooking. I go and sit next to tommy and my mom tunrs around and hands me a plate. I take the player and I feel she's staring at me and I look at her hoping shes not going to ask why I'm so happy today this morning. Mom: hunny are you okay. I tuned my head and scratched the back of my head. "Y-Yeah I'm good why. She smiles and smirks a little before dropping it realizing that I must not wanna talk about. Mom: oh nothing just wondering something.... eat quickly you don't wanna be late for the bus. I nodded and started eating the scrambled eggs and I are the bacon and downed my toast as I gulped the orange juice down and I stand up and take a granola bar for later. "Ok mom I'm leaving bye love you bye tommy love you little man. Tommy: bye love you to and I'm not little. I chuckle and run out and run to the bus that just pulled up and I sigh of relief and see lilly running out without her brother but of course here he comes running behind her looks like she's running from him. I start laughing and I run to the bus and I climb on. Lilly and her brother get on and lilly stops and looks at me and smiles. Lilly: mind if I sit here today. Im a little shocked as she's looking at her brother that's about to run on. " Y-yeah sure. I moved my bag and she sits down quickly and he runs on and she start laughing. Lilly: haha guess who's doing the dishes when we get back. I start to laugh as he groans. Jordan: come on Lil's I did the dishes last week I have plans when I get back and the dishes take to long. She crosses her arms and holds out her hand. Lilly: fine then pay up for not telling Mom and Sam you snuck out last weekend. Jordan: fuck you. Lilly: love you to. Lilly starts laughing as I try to hold back the erg to bust out laughing. Lilly looks at me and giggles and causes me to blush and turn my head. Jordan: fine here. He hands lilly 20 bucks and she takes it and nods. Lilly: ok I'll do the dishes just please don't get no girl crying over you when you get back. I look up in shock. Jordan: oh shut up you leave guys crying for you remember jermey last year. Lilly stiffens at her brother words and Jordan seems to take it back as soon as he says it. Jordan sits down when her gets yelled at by the bus driver and he sits down next to us. Jordan: I'm sorry lil I didn't mean to bring that up. Lilly: n-no it's fine umm I'll do the dishes take this back I was never gonna tell in the first place. She holds out the 20 in front of him and she keeps her head low looking at the apple in her hand. Jordan: are you sure I really am sorry. Lilly: Jordan you know me just take it. She forces a smile  Jordan takes it and she.bites into the apple and she looks at me. Lilly: so did you like my morning message I do it for alot if my friends but I figured that you wouldn't like it you don't seem like a morning person. " Nah it's cool I though it was sweet thanks alot it gave me some energy to get out bed". My eyes widen by my words as I see lilly shocked face and she blushes. Lilly: well im glad I could help. She smiles and nudges me and I chuckle as she giggles. The bus pills off and we head for school and me and Lilly sit there and talk while she tells me about her school in other town she moved from and all the friends there that where there for her. She tells me about John they seem to have alot of stuff in common and history. I don't know why but I feel jealous and I feel like I wish I could be as close as he was to her but I don't even know why cause i don't even know her like that. Lilly: hey umm are you coming to the barbecue where holding in our backyard. I know it's sudden but my mom wants to meet the neighbors and the people on the block she like good first impression. She giggles a little. But it would Mee alot if you where there...ya know since like I don't know any one you don't have to if you want but if you do come bring tommy I miss the little guy. "Yeah I'll come my mom says thanks for the basket and I'll being tommy I'm sure he misses you to. She giggles and blushes a little looking like she wants to tell me something but fighting it. "Hey are you ok". Lilly: y-yeah I'm good just uh was wondering if it was ok if I...I could keep sending the good morning texts I just didn't want to cause I didn't know if it was annoying you. I smiled warmly at her as her cheeks got hot wuick and I chuckle and nod my head. "Yeah sure I don't mind like I said makes me feel happy and energetic to start my day". All she can do is nod and smile warmly at me. I blush as it's her turn to laugh at me. I look to the side as I see.jordan watching us a little looking...mad I couldn't put my finger on it but I just shrugged it off. Lilly: I'm sorry about what happened St your house when we came over so suddenly. I freeze and remember what happend and scratch the back of my head. "Yeah I thought you here my aunt dropping off tommy from school. She giggles and nods her head understandingly and cusses me to smile warmly at her making me feel this weird tingle in my stomach. I suddenly look away as I look out the window and lilly leans over to talk to her brother about something and they start laughing and she starts to weez alot from laughing so hard. I rub her back and she looks at me laughing still as I look at Jordan who's dieing and trying to breath but failing poolry as I start to laugh at them and they start to call down only for lilly to start holding in her laugh that breaking to come out she laughs a little and puts her head back breathing and calming her self as jordan looks at her and they look at each other at the same time and causing the to break into laughter and I chuckle and shake my head. I like out the window as we start to pull up to the school the bus slows down. We finally come to a stop and try park the bus. We all stand up and I help lilly out and Jordan goes behind me as we start walking in the three of us together and we head to our lockers and we set our stuff down as lilly already has her books for all her classes and she knows where to go. "I'll see you guys at lunch I'll see you lilly at second period". Lilly: alright bye bub later Clark. She runs to the music room and I head to art and Jordan heads into band and the day start off good.
It's lunch time now and we decided to sit at a different tabel closer to the door so we can get out faster. Lilly: so you guys wanna go out this weekend I have nothing planned. "That's sounds like a good idea how about roller skating or the movies. Lilly's eyes light up and she chokes as she mutter out. Lilly: r-roller skating haha. She giggles and drinks her Snapple and Jordan just shrugs and goes with it as I nod. "Okay it'll be $10 and starts at 7:30". "Sounds good I'll pay for me and lil with the 20". Lilly nods and puts the straw up to her mouth bitting on it as Jordan bites into his apple taking a big bite. "So when's the barbecue". Lilly turns to look at me as she places her Snapple down. "It's going to be this Sunday we still have some stuff to do it'll be at 5". Lilly smiles as she looks at Jordan who sighs at the idea of the barbecue. What's his deal. "Hey what class you got next Clark". I turn my head to look at lilly and I smile. "History you". "Same wanna sit in the back with me not my best subject". I just chuckle at her and nod. "Sure I don't mind how about you Jordan". Lilly turns her head to Jordan and he smiles at her and nods his head. "Same". Lilly's eyes glimer that causes Jordan to blush as he noticed it also and lilly just giggles as she doesn't know what she does to us. "Okay mr.blusher hehe". Jordan nudges her and she just laughs and stands up throwing her stuff away. I see some people stare at her from a distance and I glare at them as they notice and turn there. I turn my head to see Jordan doing the same and he looks at me and scoffs as he turns his head and drinks Lilly's snapple. "Damnit Jordy if you wanted something to drink get your own shit". Jordan smiles and laughs as he drinks her stuff more amd she snatches it and drinks some of it putting it away from him. "Come on sis we share everything it don't matter". I see a little tint of red form on Lilly's cheek as Jordan just smirks and I tilt my head to the side. Something is going on with these two?

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