Chapter 1: Life Changing

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~Lucy's POV~
~Dragneel's House~
'Wow I can't believe I've been married to the best husband ever for almost a year now' I thought to myself as I saw Natsu making me breakfast in bed. He's grown so much since the day I met him, everyday he improves and he can never stop improving. Natsu comes over to the bed, sets down a tray on my lap and says. "Here ya go Luce, breakfast taco, side of mixed fruit and orange juice." I smile, "Thank you, Natsu I love you!" "I love you too!" He says back. Nastu then sits behind me, holding my waist and he whispers "After breakfast do you want to go take a bath with me?" I turn my face to his, "Of course!" and I kiss him. After I had finished breakfast and taken a bath with Natsu, we headed to the guild hall to see if there were any jobs for us.
~Guild Hall~
When we got to the guild I saw Levy with her baby and headed to her while Natsu picked out a job for us. Levy sees and says, "Hey Lu how's it goin?" "I'm good, how are you?" I asked back "Well it's tough, Gajeel, Lily, and Juvia went on a job and I'm here all alone with baby." Levy replies "Oh well how about you come be with us until Gajeel gets home, Natsu, Happy, and I are going on a quick job and will be back later today." "Are you sure that's okay?" Levy asks, "Yeah totally!" I answer, "Luce I got us a job"says Natsu, "Alright, by the way Levy will be staying with us until Gajeel get back from a job" "Okay we'll see you when we get back Levy." says Natsu. I kiss Levy and the baby on the head and wave goodbye to them.
~Few hours later~
"Hey Levy, we're back!" I yell as we walk into the guild. "Hey Lu, How was the job" Levy asks "It was easy" Natsu answers and I laughed because he was having trouble until I butted in. "Alright Levy you ready to come back with us or do you need to stop by your house first?" "Nope I'm ready to go!" Levy answers with a big smile. When we got home I cooked dinner for all of us. After dinner I got Levy set up in our guest room and got into my own bed with Nastu. In the middle of the night I ran to the bathroom.
~Natsu's POV~
I heard Lucy get up and run to the bay in the middle of the night and so I got up to check on her. She had been throwing up, I pulled her hair back and got her some water. I stood beside her and rubbed her back as she continued to throw up. After she was done, I helped her up and to the sink, so she can brush her teeth. After that she turned to me and hugged me. I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I laid her down and crawled into bed with her and held her in my arms.
~Lucy's POV~
~Next Morning~
I woke up to the smell of bacon, it smelled so good. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. "Mmm smells good Natsu", "Why thank you Luce" Natsu responded. I saw Levy and the baby at the table. "Lu are you okay I heard get sick last night." Levy asked "Yeah I'm fine now, thank you Natsu for your help last night", Natsu smiled and continued cooking. I thought to myself 'Honestly could I ask for a better husband' then Happy says, "Lucy you look creepy smiling like that" "Happy!" I yelled. After breakfast we all got cleaned up and headed to the guild. When we open the door, Levy's eyes lit up and she ran towards Gajeel. I went to go see Wendy, to see if she could tell me why I was sick last night. "Wendy can you see if you can tell why I was sick last night?" "Yeah sure" said Wendy. A few minutes later she smiled and said "Lucy, you're pregnant!" Natsu heard her and spit his cup of fire all over Gajeel. Gajeel said, "Again!? Listen here you pyro if you do that again you're gonna end up six feet under!"

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