Chapter 8: Starting magic

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~Lucy's POV~
~4 years later~
Today's the day that all the kids are learning magic. Nashi has decided to learn fire dragon slayer, Layla wants to be a celestial wizard like me and my mother, and Kasai is learning sky dragon slayer magic from Wendy, to be a supporter for his sisters.
Before the kids learned their magic Natsu is teaching them combat skills even though they're only 4 and 6 years old.
~Nashi's POV~
Daddy is making us fight before we learn magic. I don't understand why though, I'm already way stronger than all the others kids at the guild. One time I bet up Kasai and made him cry, daddy was proud, but pretended to be upset with me because of mommy. Asca is the oldest out of all of us kids, but I'm sure that one day I'll be stronger than her. I want to become an S-Class wizard and be the strongest wizard Fairy Tail has ever had!
~Layla's POV~
I'm gonna be a great celestial wizard like mommy and collect all thirteen zodiac keys. Daddy wants me to learn how to fight, but I don't want to. But I guess if I want to be able to go on jobs and protect my friends and family, I have to learn how to fright. Kasai is my identical twin, I love my brother, but he's a little reckless sometime and gets in fights with Nashi a lot...and loses a lot. You could say I'm the brains out of the three of us, I know when to pick my fits and they aren't with Nashi. My fight is with Katie, she has a crush on Kasai, she's always trying to distract him from his magic studies. How is he suppose to be a strong wizard with her always hanging around him. I'm just looking out for him.
~Kasai's POV~
I don't really have a goal for my future in being a wizard. I just want to protect my sisters, like what a good brother does. Clay, Tsuyoi, and I are the only boys in the next generation and we are responsible for protecting the girls of Fairy Tail. I'm learning support magic to help everyone when they fight. Father said it's important to know what you're fighting for and to put your all your heart in it. I may be only 4, but I understand stand what he means. No matter what Layla says, I'm the brains out of the three of us.
~Natsu's POV~
The kids are so cute. You can definitely tell who is more like who with these three. Nashi is more like me, strong and always looking for a fight, Layla is like Lucy, smart and is protective of those she loves, Nasai is the both of us, strong and smart. They all have good hearts, I know that they'll make Fairy Tail even stronger.

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