Chapter One: A.J.

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I woke up with my back tracing a perfect 180° to 90° angle and a 1000-watt smile on my face, my eyes closed.

The sun's rays fell on my eyelids and I couldn't be more pleased. I was sunkissed, literally. I opened my eyes, not squinting even a bit, although I'd had a full-on 8-hour sleep as usual and my eyes were accustomed to absolute darkness. I didn't flinch. Neither did the smile on my face.

Nothing worried me. Absolutely nothing. I thought about school. I thought about the completely white soles of my sneakers touching the floor at the entrance of the school. I had nothing due to submit. No essays, no homework, no assignments. It was almost as though I'd never had any of those burdens, as a matter of fact. I thought of my teachers...all well-behaved, 100% dedicated to their profession. We only saw them as teachers. They never hesitated to impart their abounding knowledge to their absolutely wonderful class. What a faculty, my my.

Still smiling wide.

I looked out of my window, which was adorned with ironed and pleated pink, flowery curtains. Of course. I'd received them as a gift from my paternal grandparents for scoring straight A's the entire year last year, along with a custom engraved diamond ring that had my initials 'A.J' on them. No big deal.

The houses outside were so well-painted, much like my own. Obviously my best friend stayed right opposite my house, across the road. Like, duh. We weren't best friends just by chance. We made it happen. Maybe I did. I sighed through my unflinching smile.

I looked at my dressing table. Perfectly aligned make-up items, all my jewelry in labelled compartments of an organizer, my framed photos arranged according to size and my perfect reflection in the completely spotless mirror.

I looked at myself. Contrary to what other 15-year-olds at school say about waking up unpleasantly, I woke up everyday looking like a celebrity. Not a regular celebrity, no no...Probably like Anne Hathaway on the way to the Oscars. Yup. That's how I looked.

My auburn hair was in a perfect bun, with two perfect strands of hair falling on each side for effect. My cheekbones were naturally highlighted, my lips the perfect shade of pink, my skin, the very shade of the golden Sahara sands. But what I loved the most was, I was born this way. No make-up whatsoever.

I removed my comforter off my body and let my perfectly pedicured foot gently touch the soft cloth of the imported silk carpet draping my floor. "Only the best for the best", my dad had said on my 3rd birthday, rolling the silk beauty onto the floor.

I looked at the time. 6:05 AM. Ah. Somehow my body clock was so so routinely timed, I never ever woke up late.
Today was no exception.

My full-fledged smile settled into a simple close-mouthed one as I looked up at the ceiling. I thanked the universe for letting me have every luxury ever.

I made my bed, careful to not leave any folds or creases on my comforter or bedsheet or pillow. I brushed my teeth rhythmically and hummed while tapping on the wash basin. I washed my face and applied some moisturizer to make sure my face looked extra shiny. Satisfied, I stepped back at looked at my reflection. Not too bad, actually. In fact, not bad at all. I looked amazing.

I was so happy I decided to hop out of the bathroom.

Hop, hop, wwwzzz, plop, BANG!

I'd hopped and skidded right through a puddle that had previously been invisible to me. I hit my head at the side of the tub.

I rubbed the back of my head.

I giggled. Silly me.

I ran down the stairs, my hand imaginatively playing the piano along the banister.

"Mornin' Ma! Mornin' Dad!" I bellowed graciously.

"G'morning darlin'!" They called out in perfect harmony.

Gosh they're so cute.

They giggled at their like-mindedness. They were both professionally trained singers and they had their own little thing where they sang out in harmony whenever they could. I smiled as I looked at the pictures decorating the wall beside the staircase. Me, mum and dad always looked happy right from when I was born till today. I love my family.

"A.J. dear...I made your favourite tutu-shaped paaaancakes", Dad said, with a little vibrato in the last word.

"Aw. Gee, thanks Dad. You guys are the best. I mean it's not like I could compare, hahaahah...." I threw my head back in laughter as they joined me. My face suddenly became serious. "No, seriously, you guys are the best."

They stopped laughing and continued making pancakes.

I was just done with washing my glass plate after breakfast when I heard my bus outside. I grinned and grabbed my bag, frolicking to the bus.

"Love you guys!"

"Love you too strawberry milkshake pudding pie!" They said in sync. Did they plan that?

I entered the bus cautiously and stood atop the metal staircase, looking around. Most of the students were looking out the window.

"Heyyyyooouuu guysss good morrrninnnggg!" I chirped.

Some of them mumbled back a good morning, others fumbled a swear. The driver smiled brightly and waved at me.

I shrug and sit down in my usual place. I wait as my neighbor arrives. Eventually she does. And when she enters, she looks around, sees me and smiles.

"Hey A.J." She says.

My smile widens. My best friend means more to me than anyone.

I mean, duh, not more than my parents! But I could tell her everything!

Well....not everything...I couldn't tell her one small teeny weeny little secret.

"Hey girrlll..." I reply to my BFF, Avery. My eyes shift focus to the tall hooded figure who stepped up behind her. I clear my throat. "Hey Jaaames."

The figure looks up at me, revealing his lopsided dimples and his gorgeous face.

"Oh hey, adorable!" He chuckles as my intestines melt to the same form as the soup I had last night.

Avery sits next to me and snorts.

"It's weird, you know that right?"

My ears turned red. Had she already figured out the secret I had kept from her?

"What's weird?" I questioned innocently.

She sighed and shook her head.

"That you, my best friend, have a huge ass crush on my twin brother."


Too PerfectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora