Before it all started

42 6 3

Dan's POV

I stepped out of the doctor's office, shaking slightly. I looked down at the container in my hand, the tablets rattling as my hands shook. I was going to be okay. All of this would be okay. My mind continued to race as I walked to ASDA for my book. Apparently, writing down all your emotions can make you feel better, so fuck it, why not?

As I walked in, a blast of cool air and too bright lights greeted me. It was the day before I started my last year of college, and I still had all my revision shit to buy. As I turned the corner, I was met by Phil and his "gang", or so they called themselves. They were just a group of bullies, with Phil as their leader. There were five of them in total; Phil, Chris, PJ, Jack, and Dean. Just a group of leather wearing morons who think that they're better than everyone else.

Chris looked me up and down and muttered something to PJ, making the whole group laugh. They all smirked as they walked past me, Phil spitting his chewing gum out at my feet. I glared at the back of their heads, but my mind was already thinking of every possible reason that they started laughing. "No Dan, you didn't do anything", I told myself.

I looked through about 10 different blank books until I found the one that I liked. It was a brown, leatherbound notebook, with blank pages for me to scribble my thoughts onto without the fear of it being untidy. Plus, it looked cool. Paying with shaking hands, I walked out of the shop. Someone shouted in my direction, I already knew who it was. 'Just keep your head down Dan and carry on walking'. 

"HOWELL! Are you deaf or something?!"  yelled no other than Chris Kendall. I felt my heart race as I heard these words trying my best to avoid conflict, although I knew the likelihood of this happening was slim. Unfortunately, the only way to the bus stop was to stumble past Phil and his entourage. As I walked past, I received a forceful kick in my right leg off PJ, knocking me to the floor. 

"He needs to watch where he's going" Jack snickered which caused the group to sneer and laugh. 

"Yeah, fucking fag" Dean said. I can't believe Dean has turned on me. we used to be best friends in primary school and ever since Phil took him away from me, he's turned into a monster. Only Dean knew I was gay. How could he do this to me? 

"Why can't you all just leave me alone for once?" I mumbled which was meant to sound daring. I turned onto my back in order to get up but I was harshly thrown back against the concrete floor, smacking my head and going slightly dizzy. I looked up to see Phil's foot on my chest, he was staring at me with his antagonistic eyes.

"What's the fun in that?" smirked Phil. I knew what was coming. All I could do now was wait for it to be over. I closed my eyes, feeling the first kick to my face. I started to feel extremely lightheaded. The brutal hits started to get softer as I faded in and out of consciousness. The last words I heard came from Phil who spoke: "You deserve this."


I awoke from unconsciousness, unsure of where I was. From what I could tell I had been placed behind the shop so no one could help me. They really are evil. My face felt tight from the tears that had dried on my newly bruised face. I checked my phone to see how long I had been unconscious for. It was 11:30 pm and I had 12 missed calls off my mum. I limped home in the rain, still dizzy. Once I arrived back home I saw my mum on the front porch, crying.

"Dan! Where the hell have you been?! I've been ringing you and you didn't answer" she paused for a  second, looking at my face. "What the hell happened to you? Are you okay? Who did this?!" 

"It was some guys outside the shops, they wanted my phone and I said no so they beat me up"

Phil lived in the house opposite me and the last thing I wanted was for my mum to confront Phil's mum about this. As I gazed over at Phil's house, I saw Phil looking at me through his bedroom window. Our eyes locked and Phil quickly moved out of sight. 

"I'm going to find out who's done this"

"Mum it's fine, honestly. I'm going to have a shower and go to bed. Night night mum, love you"

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