Art Class

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I sat slouched in my stool. I hate art class, it's so boring. Miss Tracy was stood at the front of the class talking about Frida Kahlo and how she was inspired by nature and artifacts. Who cares? There was a knock on the door and everyone's heads turned to see who it was. It was Phil. I turned away as he looked at me and hoped he wasn't here for me.

"Hi Miss Tracy, Mr Gregory wants to see Dan" Phils eyes pierced mine. Oh for fuck's sake.

"Fine, but be quick" Miss Tracy sighed.

I reluctantly got up from my chair and made my way to Phil at the front of the classroom, who didn't look very happy. I could have sworn his eyes were bloodshot. Either he was high or he had been crying and I guessed the latter. Once Phil and I were outside the classroom, I spoke up saying "I don't even have Mr Greg-". Phil roughly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the art supply room. I was beyond confused, it was obvious that a teacher didn't want to see me, so what did Phil actually want? Panic rising in my chest, I thought of every reason that Phil might want to talk to me. He might want to apologise for beating me up, or he might want to beat me up some more.

"Why the fuck have you told everyone I'm gay?! How did you even find out?! You fucking dick!" That was not one of the scenarios that I thought of. Was this another twisted joke after Dean outed me last night?

Phil had pinned me against the walls of the room and my heart was beating faster and faster and thought I was about to faint. Phil's lips were so close I could feel his breath against my mouth and could smell his cologne on his neck. I would recognise that scent anywhere; Bleu de Chanel. My cousin used to wear it all the time.

"I fucking asked you a question!" Phil growled, pushing me against the wall again in order to get an answer out of me. I only realised after hitting my head on a box that he was being serious. Phil is actually gay. At least we have one thing in common...

"I didn't even know you were gay! How could I have told anyone?!"

"Well, how else would everyone know?". Phil looked desperately into my eyes, his voice breaking a bit. "If this is your sick way of getting back at me, it isn't fucking funny Dan!"

"I don't know Phil but it wasn't me!". I shoved Phil away from my body. I had never seen Phil like this before. He looked so vulnerable and I tried not to feel sympathetic towards him. I remembered what he did to me yesterday and glared at him. "Miss Tracy will be wondering where I am". I left the room, leaving Phil looking helpless and bewildered. As I walked out of the room, I heard Phil start to cry. I felt a strange satisfaction that I knew was wrong, but couldn't help it. Just leave him, Dan, he deserves it. He deserves it..that's the exact words Phil said to me before I passed out yesterday.

I sat back on my stool, counting the seconds till the end of class. Despite everything Phil and his friends had done to me, I couldn't help but think about him. He had looked truly broken in the supply closet, but then again he had left me broken outside of ASDA, so fuck him. The ringing bell snapped me out of my thoughts, and I gathered my stuff into my rucksack. Walking out of the classroom, I thought of Phil again and made my way over to the supply room. However, the door was wide open, and Phil was nowhere to be seen.

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