The lost retainer

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You and Grayson Dolan are engaged and have recently bought a house together. You are still unpacking things and moving things around so some of your stuff has gotten lost. One thing that Grayson makes sure will never be lost is your retainer. It sounds strange but he makes sure you wear your retainer every night because he doesn't want your teeth to move. You had braces for 3 years when you were 7 and then again for 2 years when you were a freshman in high school. You both met in high school and he tells you all the time about how cute you looked with braces.

Your POV

"Hey Gray, have you seen my retainer?" You asked as you were looking through all the stuff in the bathroom.

"Babe, let's hope you didn't lose your retainer." Said Grayson as he ran into the bathroom to help you search for it.

"Well it's not in here." You stated

"It has to be, you wore it last night and I saw you take it out and put it in the case this morning." Grayson said in almost an angry tone.

"Well Gray it's clearly not in here and I don't know what to do!" You yelled.

"Who's your orthodontist? We can call and see if they can make another one for you." Suggested Grayson.

"Call Silverman Orthodontics." You said.

~About 20 minutes later~

"Y/n, they said they can get you in tomorrow at two, is that okay?" Asked Grayson.

"Yes that's fine." You said.

~Later that night~

"Umm Grayson, can you come here?" You asked.

As Grayson walked in you showed him the retainer that you had found on the floor.

"Are you serious?" Asked Grayson.

"It's okay, don't cancel the appointment, I'll just go and get another retainer and have it just in case I ever need it." You told Grayson.

"Okay, now wash that and let's go to bed." Grayson said as he walked out of the bathroom.

You washed it and put it in your mouth after brushing your teeth. You and Gray got into bed and said goodnight. He kissed your forehead and you two cuddled.

"Goodnight Gray." You said in a weird tone because you had your retainer in.

Grayson chuckled and said "Goodnight baby, I love you."

"Love you too" You said as you dozed off into sleep.

You and Grayson Dolan Where stories live. Discover now