The lost retainer (part 2)

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Today was the day that you were supposed to go to the orthodontist to get a new retainer, even though you found yours last night. You and Grayson were in the car and you decided to vlog the day.

"Hey guys, I'm back and I'm here with my boy!" You said turning the camera to Grayson.

"Anyway, so Gray is driving me to the orthodontist to get a new retainer because last night we thought I lost it but then we found it after we made the appointment. So I'm just going to get a new one and have it just Incase I ever lose the one I have now. Grayson do you anything to say?"

"Uh no not really" he laughed.

"Well me either, so I guess I will see you guys there!" You said and then turned the camera off.

~about 5 minutes later~

"Ok guys so we are at the orthodontist and we are waiting and it feels weird to be here because I haven't been in an orthodontist office since high school so yeah..." you told the camera

"Y/n?" A lady stated as you stood up and followed her down a hallway into a little room.

Grayson stayed out in the waiting area and you walked back.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Jasmine and I will be helping you today! So I heard that you need to get a new retainer, is that correct?" Asked the doctor

"Yes that's correct! It would be great if I could get one for top and bottom because I've never had one for my bottom teeth and I would like to get one."
You stated

"Of course! Let's just take a look at your teeth and then we will get the molds started!" Dr. Jasmine stated in a calm tone.

~A few moments later~

"Okay so Y/n, I'm afraid I have some bad news. It looks to me like your teeth have moved, especially your bottom ones and it looks like you are going to need braces again in order to obtain the perfect smile." Stated Dr. Jasmine.

"Wait are you serious?" You asked in a panicked tone

"Unfortunately, Yes."

"Okay so when will I get them on and how long will I have them?" You asked

"Well the good news is, we can get you back in tomorrow to get them on if you are free, and you will have them for approximately a year to a year and a half." Said Dr. Jasmine.

"Okay well, tomorrow works, what time?"

"Let's do 11? Is that okay?" Asked Dr. Jasmine.

"Yes that works fine, thank you so much!" You said as you got up out of the chair.

"That's my job! Now we need to head out to the front desk to do some paperwork." Dr. Jasmine said as you and her walked out of the room.

"Y/n!" Grayson exclaimed as he ran over to you at he desk.

"Hold on Gray, I have to fill out some paper work. Go sit back down." You told him.

~about 20 minutes later~

"Okay Y/n, see you tomorrow" Dr. Jasmine said as you walked out.

"What does she mean by see you tomorrow?" Asked Gray

"Umm Gray, I have something to tell you."

"Yeah what is it?" Grayson Asked in a worried tone

"Dr. Jasmine said that I need braces again."

"WAIT WHAT?!" Grayson said stopping and staring at you.

"Yes Gray."

"How long will you have them?" He asked

"Around a year to a year and a half." You told him.

"Well I'm excited for you but when will our wedding be?" Grayson asked you.

"We will have to do it after I get them off." You said.

"Do you get them on tomorrow?" He asked


"Well you will always be stunning and they will be worth it." He said smiling at you.

"Thanks Gray! Love you!"

"Love you too, Y/n"

You two drive home and got ready for the next day. One that you will never forget...

You and Grayson Dolan Where stories live. Discover now