Chapter 2

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At this point, they're landing in Aspen soon, there's a lot of time skips! 

Serena: Are you nervous to meet your birth parents and brothers?

Me: A little bit, I mean, I'm meeting my birth mom first and then flying to California to meet my brothers, did I tell you who they were, you'll never believe me, but I have my birth certificate with our parents' names?

Serena: Not really, but go ahead lol.

Me: Jake and Logan Paul are my biological brothers.

Serena: Shut up! No way!

Me: *pulls out birth certificate with Pam and Greg's names on it*

Serena: Damn, lucky!

Me: Yeah, I'm nervous to meet them though, they were about 5 and 3 and probably don't remember me much, but Sav already sent Jake and Logan proof I was their sister.

Serena: I'm excited to meet Chad freaking Tepper!

Me: Hey! This trip is about me, mainly, we'll be gone like 2 months!

Serena: Sorry Ms. "my bith family is famous" *mockingly*

Me: Serena Blake, do you want me to leave you in the hotel room while Jake, Logan, Team 10, Pam, Greg, and I go have fun and I meet Team 10?

Serena: I'm sorry.

______________________________In the Car________________________________________

Jake: I can't believe I have a little sister, I've always wanted a younger sibling, mom, why have you never mentioned Carla?

Pam: I didn't know she'd want to meet us when she turned 18, there's picture of her in my bedroom above my bed.

Me: I have always hoped I had biological siblings and not be an only child.

*After meeting Team 10 and settling in*

Jake's POV

Rik: Hey

Me: Hey

Rik:  How does it feel to not be the youngest child?

Me: Very weird lol.

Carla: *knocks on door* hey, can I come in?

Me: Yeah, come on in!

Carla: Thanks.

Me:  What's up?

Carla: Nothing, just wanted to talk and hang out if that's okay, is it?

Me: It's okay with me, Rik?

Rik: Yeah, it's totally okay, I mean, we are family.

Me: Yeah, you're hanging with us until we leave, right?

Carla: Serena and I are with you all for about 2 months, where's Logan, did he not come?

Me: He'll be down tonight.

Rik: We should go shopping soon, girls day!

Carla: Yeah, I'm excited! I'm gonna let you guys get some sleep, goodnight guys.

Me: Okay, night.


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