Just A Needle, Tweezers, Thread, and A Bottle of Alcohol

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Grantaire waited impatiently in the car. They were sitting outside La Sante Prison. Montparnasse and the rest of the Patron Minette had taken another car and were sitting behind them. They were waiting for 'Parnasse's signal.

"Is anyone else starting to rethink this?" Joly asked, looking up at the prison walls. The full moon made it look even scarier.

"Nope," Bossuet and Grantaire said together. They weren't very convincing.

"We are going to die," Joly muttered. "We don't even know where Enjolras and the others are. Or if they're even still alive."

"We need to stay positive," Grantaire said. "I'm sure Patron Minette have a great plan to get them out. We'll just have to rely on them." He paused. "You're right, Joly, we're going to die."

Then came 'Parnasse's signal. Bossuet, Joly, and Grantaire got out of the car. They were all dressed in black to blend in with the darkness.

Montparnasse and Babet had lit cigarettes as the remaining Amis walked over.

"What now?" R asked.

"Up and over, drunk," Babet said. R couldn't help but take a peek at Babet's necklace. The whitest and newest addition to his collection motivated R to keep going. And to not ask questions.

He boldly walked to the wall.

"Wait, what?" he heard Joly ask Babet. "There's no way we're going to be able to climb that wall without getting caught."

"Well, then, I guess there's no way to save your frat brothers, either," Babet said. R found a loose rock and carefully placed his foot on it. He slowly and steadily climbed the wall, strategically placing his feet.

"R! Get down!" Joly stage whispered. Grantaire pulled himself to the top of the wall and realized that there was barbed wire.

"What now?" he called down.

"Endure it," Babet shouted. Grantaire gulped but pulled himself up all the way. He managed to get around most of it, cutting himself once or twice. He climbed back down.

He waited for the others but when he heard the prison guards, took off in the other direction.

R knew he'd need a drink later.


Instead of going to dinner for the first time in a week, Enjolras stayed behind, too afraid to face his friends. He just lay on his stomach in bed, hating himself.

He'd betrayed France. Patria.

He'd probably gotten a bunch of people killed as well. He couldn't find the motivation to move on. He'd given away his last chance to save France.

What would his friends say? Surely, they'd hate him as much as he hates himself.

He'd done the unthinkable. Something he'd expect of R. But he never imagined it would've been him to give away their secrets.

Enjolras buried his face in his pillow, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Yo, Enj," a voice said. He looked up and his heart skipped a beat when he realized who it was.

"Sweet mother of France, R..." Enjolras said. Grantaire tipped the hat he wasn't wearing. "What are you doing here?"

"Saving your pretty ass,"he said. He held up the key. "Where are the others?" Enjolras managed to get himself into a standing position, despite how painful it was.

"Probably at dinner," Enjolras explained. "How did you get in?" Grantaire swiped the key on the cell and the door opened.

"Uh...let's just say the Patron Minette is getting a truckload of weaponry and alcohol," Grantaire said. "What happened to you? Did they torture you?"

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