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Third Person P.O.V

    They went back and forth yelling saying things that hit each others weak spots neither of them knew how it started but they where both to angry to face reality .  Then Alec said something that hit Magnus hard " It's not my fault that your the reason your moms dead " Magnus lost all control right then and there he attacked Alec screaming , crying, and punching suddenly Alec is on top of him his blue eyes clouded with darkness hitting and kicking  Magnus repeatedly until he blacked out.

Alec P.O.V

I  stopped hitting and looked down I see my boyfriend with bruises all over him   I start to think what have I done . I carry him over to the couch laying him down , I take of his shirt examine the damage I did I started to sob . Magnus didn't deserve this I was a monster I did this to the man I love i put disinfectant on the bruises and bandaged him up I wrote him a note " Dear Magnus I am so sorry I didn't mean anything I said or did you don't deserve someone like me I still love you but I think after this to keep you safe we should go our separate ways 

                    Love Forever and Always Alexander 

  Magnus P.O.V

I wake of to excruciating pain in my body suddenly  memories from the previous night come back to me like a bullet I look around there was no one then I spot a note . I finish reading the notes and burst into sobs My Alexander had left me 



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